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Zoom Events: Booted from the event, not just the session.


We are having an issue with the Zoom events platform.


During our tech run this evening, our speakers, alternative hosts, and an attendee when leaving a session in the platform got booted out of the platform rather than returned to the lobby. How can we mitigate this? I ensured that every one selecting "Leave Meeting" or "Leave Webinar".


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @CPMC.


I've never seen this behavior when the Lobby is open.  Was everyone able to enter the Lobby before entering the session?  Was everyone using the Zoom Desktop App, or on mobile devices, or using browsers?

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Hi @Ray_Harwood 


Thanks of the reply. The two alternative hosts were on the desktop app, the others on browsers (on laptops). Each of us entered the lobby first. Hoping there's an easy solution or setting that needs adjusted. Our conference is Friday!