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User emails not available in Attendee report and Poll Reports


For a Webinar that we had scheduled in my organization using Zoom, user email addresses were not captured in the Attendee report and the Poll report. Wanted to understand why this could happen. Anyone who has seen this behavior? 


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Community Champion | Employee

@AbhishekMordani I'm unsure of how to do this from word press, if you are doing this from an integration created by that team you will want to reach out to them. 

However, you can enable registration for your meetings by visiting the Zoom web portal, click on "Webinars", and then find the one in the list needing registration. From here just edit that meeting to add it. 

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Hi, I'm currently having  the same issue as well since March 1st. 


Hi, I'm having the same problem in these days... I opened a ticket with Zoom Support, and they told me that probably the rules have been changed. 

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Community Champion | Employee

@AbhishekMordani @PC3 @ClaraBertram This is by design. Zoom will only show the email address in webinar reports if registration is enabled. This is to protect the PII of these users who join when registration is not required. 

Please make sure that if these addresses are needed, that registration is being used with your webinars.

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Hello, thank you for sharing the details. Could you let me know how can I enable registrations with the webinars using Zoom?  We currently use Wordpress to create pages.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@AbhishekMordani I'm unsure of how to do this from word press, if you are doing this from an integration created by that team you will want to reach out to them. 

However, you can enable registration for your meetings by visiting the Zoom web portal, click on "Webinars", and then find the one in the list needing registration. From here just edit that meeting to add it. 

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We did an event in late February without the REGISTRATION option selected and our reports had all the email addresses. This must have taken affect March 1st from what I'm seeing in this thread as multiple customers are running into the same issue as we are. We didn't receive a notification about this change therefore were not prepared for this before our next Webinar on March 7th. Our clients are now without an email address list in there reports. Because the email addresses and names were captured when they click the webinar link, Zoom must have that data somewhere. Can we get that information from our Webinar which was March 7th?

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Community Champion | Employee

@AbhishekMordani @StrangeCrew @USE @Dave31 I wanted to share an article with you all that explains the instances where you can capture this data. 
In situations where this data was not captured, this data is not recoverable. 



Experiencing an major issue with this change in reporting practice, despite having an Eventbrite integration.


The integration is supposed to share all Eventbrite attendee registrations with with Zoom and subsequently Zoom is supposed to automatically check-in attendees who attended  the meeting / webinar on Eventbrite.


We now find that registrations are no longer being transferred from Eventbrite to Zoom, and therefore attendee reports are devoid of emails. We are already in possession of registrant details, so cannot understand that the details of invited participants be withheld in the attendee reports when we have the integration in place. 


Also, as joining attendees don't tend to type their full name, they are often incomplete, typos are also common, or nicknames are used. Therefore their name in the attendee report does not match the one in the registration details and identification for any follow up activities (e.g. certification if educational event) is significantly impacted and the task becomes a huge administrative burden.  The integration is a solution to this, but it seems the changes have broken this.


If a host has an integration, they should be meeting the first point listed in the March 2022 update:

"In addition, you will continue to see email addresses included in your Reports and Dashboard for the following groups:

  • If the participant entered their email address during the meeting or webinar registration flow, then it will be shown for that specific meeting/webinar."

This is really disruptive and extremely disappointing that this integration is now broken or made redundant by this change.


Will these integrations be re-established?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@AbhishekMordani You are correct


It works now after the registration activation. Thank you.


What is the difference between having registration enabled or not?  In either case, the attendee has to volunteer their e-mail, either to register when registration is required, or to join the webinar when registration is not required. Why is the data now hidden in one case, but not the other?  No logic!  Zoom needs to reverse this illogical decision.

100% Agree @Dave31! Been depending on this for years and now we need to implement significant process changes.  Registration is not a viable option for us.

Yes! This decision makes no sense.

Agreed! This is such a pain for our participants to do a double registration now! Reverse this change!!!

Additionally, it is not like we are forcing anyone to join the webinar. If a person joins in, he is joining our event and we want to have the ability to view his email address. 

Joining our webinar link should be a pseudo "Yes" for sharing that person's Email as it disrupts our sales flow. Zoom should just provide a checkbox saying "By joining this link your information will be shared with the host" instead of asking us to enable Registrations. 

@J-Zoom-ATL , do review the above solution and let me know if this can be taken up as feedback?


There is any chance we can get the emails of recent webinars with this error?



This change has also created an issue for us. We have webinar participants register in our own system not via Zoom, so we need to be able to match up the info the attendees provide when they sign into the webinar with the info in our system. Now if someone enters a different name when signing in this is impossible, whereas before with their name and email address we could almost always match them up.

Requiring them to register for the webinar via a different system does not work for us, and requiring them to sign up for a Zoom account to log into our webinars creates an additional hurdle to participation that we can't accept either.

Please bring back the option for people to sign in using a name and email address, even if it's not the default for webinars. If this is not possible then we will have to look for other webinar hosting service options.


@AbhishekMordani You are right, it is registration that needs to be enabled on Zoom.


To any integration users (e.g. Eventbrite integration):

  • If your registrations on an external system are not longer being acknowledged by Zoom since the 1st of March 2022, turn on registration on the Zoom meeting/webinar (with no additional required fields, as these cannot be matched). 
  • This will mean Zoom no longer ignores the registrant information fed by your platform of choice. 
  • Once registration is enabled, you will once again be able to see:
  • (A) registrant numbers leading up to your event on Zoom, and
  • (B) capture attendee emails in your attendee reports.

The above is how you can comply with the first point listed in the March 2022 update:

"[...] you will continue to see email addresses included in your Reports and Dashboard for the following groups:

  • If the participant entered their email address during the meeting or webinar registration flow, then it will be shown for that specific meeting/webinar."


It's very simple and should have been communicated to integration users much earlier.


For anyone worried about enabling registration on the Zoom webinar/meeting - this does not mean your attendee is asked to register on your platform of choice and then again on Zoom. It simply enables Zoom to use the registration information already collected by your platform.

If I upload the registrations I captured from Salesforce into an upcoming webinar, will the registrants receive a confirmation email from Zoom? I prefer that they don't because I'm uploading the information for my use only.

We register folks through Zoom and then compile the reports using Salepager in order to get the reports emailed to us automatically. We receive both a report for past webinars with registrants and attendees combined to provide a complete view of attendance from Salepager as well as a report with registrations for upcoming webinars so we get a sense for how many people are signing up for our webinars.


@J-Zoom-ATL It is really really unfortunate to see that while so many people are requesting to change this requirement and have a better option like a checkbox to acknowledge the sharing of email addresses instead of a completely different meeting type i.e registered meetings that disturb the workflow of so many existing customers there is still no indication of listening to the customers and providing a better solution.
What use of such privacy restrictions that demolish all the integrations and previous logic implemented by devs and invested in by clients? What kind of improvement is it that creates so much trouble for the users?
This has been a pattern of Zoom and it seems like there is no end to it. Customer feedback seems to be the least important factor to you, bulldozing upgrades without any assessment of its implications. This is ridiculous!  


@J-Zoom-ATL , any plans of reverting this change or improving the functionality? Also, with registrations enabled, each user is sent a unique zoom link to join the webinar. How do I ensure that the unique zoom link is available to add with tools like Addevent into the calendar? Is there any API available? 


My organization does not use Zoom registrations.  We use a different registration platform and provide the Zoom Webinar link to the registrants.  When an attendee goes to log into our Zoom Webinar, they receive a pop up asking for their name and email address.  That information is not in the Zoom report.  That is a major flaw in the Zoom system.   That is valuable information that we need, that Zoom is capturing, but is not being reported.  This is a simple fix.  Why are you even asking for the name and email if you are not going to provide it to your customers?



I work at a university and we have regular college wide meetings. Previously, I was always able to download an attendee list after the meeting was completed. The report is no longer showing.

I have selected the option where everyone will need to log-in to join the zoom. I am not sure what other steps need to be taken in this case. Please advise.