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Practice and backstage only exist in Webinar mode NOT Events (meeting) mode


I have Zoom One plan and Events. I have been looking for the 'practice' and backstage options in the Event. I cant see options.


  • However I made a test 'webinar' and both functions are available.
  • My assumption is I need to convert my Event (meeting)  to a Webinar

Is this correct - 'practice' and 'backstage' functions are only available in Webinar mode?


I need all attendees to be able to input to the discussion - this is why I selected 'Event (meeting) but perhaps I am mis understanding and the webinar has this function BUT the ability for attendees to input is under the control of the Host?


Any feedback would be great Thanks 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @nutriat.


A Meeting is basically open to everyone on the same way. Only Webinars have a separation of what I like to call “the audience” and “on stage”.  And in Webinars where the owner also has a Zoom Events “Unlimited” License, you have the option of having a pre-webinar “practice mode” (available to all webinars) or an additional mode of Backstage (only with the Zoom Events license).  If you really want all attendees to be able to participate equally, a Meeting is the way to go. In Zoom Events, all you have to do is change the Session type:



Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Hi Ray,

thank you for the feedback. 
So basically for my client and our speakers we need to change the meeting to a 'webinar' - do our practice and then convert back to the meeting for launch - correct? 

- I assume the url doesn't change as we have already sent out invites and have attendees registered?

- I have seen the backstage button in Event 'meeting' config so that is active. 

- It seems to me a 'practice' function is needed in Events (meeting) set up. We need to use Events(meeting) as it is a roundtable discussion with possible input from all attendees. 

BUT Ray can I just ask to be clear - IF we change to a webinar format - the speakers can present of course can the HOST then manage any attended to allow them to speak? 

Many thanks 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @nutriat.


If your goal is to just get together and practice with your speakers, there’s no reason you can’t go ahead and do this in the Meeting – just tell everyone what date and time to meet you there and open it up. While you can convert it to a Webinar (and probably back to Meeting, but I’d have to check if two conversions are possible), I’d say don’t go through the trouble.


In Zoom Events, any session can be started early to check things it out or have a practice. Only people with Special Roles can attend the Lobby before it is open for regular attendees, and they just look for the session, and it should have a Join button on it once you’ve started it. As an alternative – especially for speakers who are not tech savvy – you can send the Direct Join Links (create on the Special Roles tab) and the can get directly into the session without navigating through the Lobby. 


I thought perhaps your question was more about “which format should I use for the live session” rather than “how can we get together to practice in advance”. My apologies for the confusion!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.