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Issue with request form to access recordings


Hello all,


Last May, I enrolled in a series of Webinars, but from the end of last June whenever I fill out and try to send the request forms to access the recordings of the Webinars, I get invariably the same error message:


"This email address has been used to send the request. Check your email or use a different one."


I contacted several times the host/organizer of the Webinars, but he's ignoring me: I never sent the request before; I checked everywhere in my email, but there's nothing; the email address I'm using is the very same (and only one) registered both with my Zoom account and the Webinars account, I can't use any different one.


I have left until end of this month (July 31st) to watch the recordings, and I need to understand if I can solve the issue myself, or if it's the host/organizer's responsibility to solve the riddle.


Thank you very much in advance.


Nicola Giacobbe

