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How do I remain unseen whilst hosting a webinar


I am hosting a webinar tomorrow night and I have everything down pat EXCEPT that my job is to simply act as moderator so I must remain unseen, so no little black box or photo appearing within the presentation.  Part of the presentation is pre-recorded and my photo is covering the top RHS which completely covers the presenter speaking in the recording!!  I only know this as I have had someone log in as an attendee in a practice session.  I don't know how to fix this and have tried everything I know.  Surely there are other companies that simply employ others to run their webinars whilst remaining invisible??  Please help!


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner


Its easy, just mute yourself as moderator, & please just spotlight or pin person that become speaker, you can choose the attendees view as below : 


Attendee view controls

The host and co-host also have the ability to control the video layout that attendees presented during the webinar. All panelists can set their own view layout separate from the layout seen by attendees. 

Attendee view controls can be set in two locations: always available in the Participants panel under More, or in the top-right corner of the video section by clicking



View. The following options are available: 

  • My View: Set the video layout that you will personally see in the webinar. 
    • Speaker: Speaker view switches between the active speakers in the webinar, with other video panelists above the active speaker when not speaking. 
    • Gallery: Gallery view presents either 25 or 49 participants (if enabled in client Settings) on the screen in equal size. If there are more panelists than allowed to fit, multiple pages of gallery view will be created. 
    • Release video order: If a custom gallery view order has been set, the order is locked into place and will not change unless manually changed. This option will release the order and let Zoom adjust the order of gallery view based on who is speaking. 
    • Fullscreen
  • Attendee View: Set the video layout that the attendees see during the webinar. By default, they see the same view as the host (the host's default view is gallery view).
    • Follow Host's View: Participants will see the same view that the host is using, whether active speaker view or gallery view. If the host is sharing their screen, the attendees will have side by side mode with the host's share and the active speaker's video. The attendees can adjust the share and video size.
    • Speaker: Speaker view switches between the active speakers in the webinar, with other video panelists above the active speaker when not speaking. 
    • GalleryGallery view presents either 25 or 49 participants (if enabled in client Settings) on the screen in equal size. If there are more panelists than allowed to fit, multiple pages of gallery view will be created. 

When the host or a panelist is sharing their screen, the options will change and appear as such: 

  • My View: Set the video layout that you will personally see in the webinar. 
    • Standard: Shared content is the main focus, while video thumbnails are displayed either above the content when in windowed mode (similar to speaker view) or over the content in the top-right corner of the screen when in fullscreen. These thumbnails during fullscreen can be moved by clicking and dragging.
    • Side-by-side: Speaker: Allows you to view shared screen alongside the Speaker view, with the ability to adjust the location of the separator between the shared screen and video to change the relative size of each side.
    • Side-by-side: GalleryAllows you to view shared screen alongside the Gallery view, with the ability to adjust the location of the separator between the shared screen and video to change the relative size of each side.
    • Release video order: If a custom gallery view order has been set, the order is locked into place and will not change unless manually changed. This option will release the order and let Zoom adjust the order of gallery view based on who is speaking. 
    • Swap Video and Shared Screen: Available when using standard view, this swaps the the video and shared content, bringing the focus back on the panelist video and minimizes the shared content without stopping the share. 
    • Fullscreen
  • Attendee View: Set the video layout that the attendees see during the webinar. By default, they see the same view as the host (the host's default view is gallery view).
    • Follow Host's View: Participants will see the same view that the host is using, such as speaker view, gallery view, side-by-side mode, etc. If the host is sharing their screen, the attendees will view the content in side-by-side mode and speaker view. The attendees can adjust the share and video size.
    • Standard: Shared content is the main focus, with video thumbnails displayed over the content in the top-right corner of the screen. These thumbnails can be moved by clicking and dragging. 
    • Side-by-side: Speaker: Attendees will view shared screen alongside the Speaker view, with the ability to adjust the location of the separator between the shared screen and video to change the relative size of each side.
    • Side-by-side: Gallery: Attendees will view shared screen alongside the Gallery view, with the ability to adjust the location of the separator between the shared screen and video to change the relative size of each side. 

Here is the ref :


Hope it helps! please like and mark this as solution so whenever someone has the same question this content will help.

I am Zoom Enthusiast (Part of PT. Kayreach System, Indonesia Authorized Reseller, Certified Zoom Room, Zoom Phone, and Pro AV Integrator)

Hi Nafi,

I have the same issue as Bec and can't see how your reply solves the issue. When I (host) am sharing my screen with a pre-recorded video, I'm still visible for the attendees - either side-by-side or as a video thumbnail displayed over the content I screen share.


I want to hide myself completely for the attendees, while sharing my pre-recorded video.


Thank you,


You need to setup the webinar with presenter and panelist video's off, check "hide non video participants", and also set it to "speaker view" instead of "gallery".  Yes this took us an hour and two people to figure out.


Did get this resolved? I am having same issue but nothing appears to work

You need to setup the webinar with presenter and panelist video's off, check "hide non video participants", and also set it to "speaker view" instead of "gallery".  Yes this took us an hour and two people to figure out.


We also spent a lot of time testing this.  It threw us off that the presenters still saw the box with the host's name even when the host's camera was off.  However, we did test it and the attendees did NOT see anything.  So, to recap, in order to hide the host completely from view:

ONE: Hide non-video participants: (Find this in video settings, by the ^ next to Stop Video)

TWO: host turn off their camera

THREE: Host set view to Gallery

FOUR: Host set Attendee view to Follow Host View

all this can be set up while you are in the practice session.