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Giving full privileges to Webinar co-host


I am running a webinar series, each webinar with a different SME representing different team within our company. I am usually not on these webinars and hence the SMEs run it independently. I assign them as a co-host and they are able to launch the webinar. We all have paid accounts to Zoom and full capability to run host webinars. To ensure consistency in webinar registration and delivery, I schedule each webinar using a template and then add the respective speaker as a co-host. This works well, except, the co-host does not have full and complete privileges as I do for the webinar. I would like SME to be able to see list of registrants, ability to promote an attendees, review webinar attendee report, manage recording etc. How can i accomplish this?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @mangolassi.


First, a small clarification on the terminology, in case you ever have to explain similar issues to Zoom Support. Before the meeting starts, I think you are adding the other people as Alt Hosts, which enables them to start the meeting on your behalf (since you are the owner), and allows them to become the Host after starting. 

In this Host from the Alt-Host-started perspective case, the “privilege” is limited to Starting and rubbing the Webinar; no privileges extend to accessing items outside of Starting and running the Webinar. 

Consider using the Scheduling Privilege approach, using details from these Zoom Support articles: 

In this case, they should grant you the ability to schedule on their behalf, and you select them as the Owner of the Webinar. Then the Webinar is their Webinar, and they have access to everything related to it, during and outside of the Webinar. Not that this would require each person to have their own Webinar license; if they don’t already have Webinar licenses, this might be an extra expense.


Another option is to have the Owner/Admin create an additional role granting them full access to recordings and reports. See this Zoom Support article for help:


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.