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Disabling Passcode for Webinars


The passcode section for a webinar I had set up was automatically activated and the option to de-activate it has been disabled with is a message that I should be contacting the "admin" to do that. Since I am the admin for my account, I am totally clueless about how to remove this passcode option. I had to face super-embarrassment in presence of participants.




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Greetings, @Somreet,


I'm not sure why you would need to remove the Passcode, unless you sent out meeting Join links with the passcode removed, or only sent out the Meeting ID without sending the Passcode.


The following may be present on your account at the Account level; see Admin -> Account Management -> Account Settings under the Meeting tab or navigate to


If this is set, Passcodes will be required for Webinars for all users on the account.  If you are the only user on the account, this will still apply.


A similar setting is located on your personal user Settings menu, also available at


There is a similar setting -- at both the Account and User levels -- for the Meeting Passcode requirement.  These are independent of each other.


The Passcode option is a minimum-level security option which is recommended to be enabled, especially if you are not requiring registration for your webinar.  The risk is that bad-intentioned people will attempt to join Meeting IDs (for both Meetings and Webinars) via randomly-selected Meeting IDs, and could potentially enter your Webinar and cause problems. Having the Passcode enabled and providing the full Meeting Join URL to your invited guests works well for virtually all situations.

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@Ray_Harwood  I am hoping you can help! I have a webinar set (for next week!) with registrants. I did not realize the default for Zoom Webinars was to have a passcode required. If I toggle this off (see screenshot) does that mean the passcode requirement will be removed from my existing webinar? And will that impact any current registrants? Thank you in advance! 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @btilt23.


My first question is: What's wrong with a Passcode?  It's very rare that people have to enter a Passcode... it's normally embedded in the Join URL.  Only if someone is joining by some method that requires the manual entry of the Meeting/Webinar ID would a Passcode need to be entered manually... unless someone messed up the link.


So, that said, the settings (from your screen shot) is not where you want to do this for the current Webinar.  Turning it off there will cause future scheduled webinars to not have a Passcode set. 


Go Edit your webinar and uncheck the box about requiring a Passcode:


That will affect only the Webinar you are editing.


Good luck with your Webinar!

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@Ray_Harwood Super helpful! I see you provide Zoom Webinar consulting and support. Awesome! How can I get in touch with you about your services? Thank you! 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I'll be in touch after next week... I'm in the final prep staged for a 2-full day event April 22-23.  Expect a PM in a few days.

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@Ray_Harwood I was able to successfully remove the passcode requirement. One more question I am hoping you can help with! I had set up our webinar with "registration required" but I am nervous that that means a unique join link was generated for every single registrant. Do you know that to be true? And is there a way to generate a generic link I can send to all registrants (such as in a webinar reminder email)?  

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Yes, each registrant gets a unique join link.


Sorry, but "registration required" means what is says.  You can't send a generic join link that bypasses registration, but if you have your registration approval set to automatic, then just send the registration link out to anyone that might be interested.  People will click it, register, and receive their customized link.


I always set the Reminder emails to 1 day and 1 hour before the Webinar.


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