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Adjusting Webinar Registration Fee


Can I increase the price of my upcoming webinar without affecting the previously registered users? I want to increase the price as the webinar date approaches near. Thank you! 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @kmichol.


Great question!  I hadn't enabled the Paid Webinar feature on my account yet, so took the opportunity to do so and run a quick test.  (I love testing Zoom features!)


After enabling it on my account, I created a new "Test Paid Webinar Feature" webinar, and set up a 50-cent registration, then signed up on another account.  I confirmed a 50-cent charge through PayPal, and on my card.


I then went in and changed the fee to 75 cents, and clicked Save.  That worked!  I went to the registration page on a third account and it does show 75 cents for the fee.


Then I decided to click the here link in the Email with registration details from the prior 50-cent registration:


Here's what I see:


So while you CAN change the fee, it's my opinion that you might have some confusion (and lash-back) from people who registered earlier with the lower price, if they see a higher price here.


I did try to Cancel the registration... just to test it and see how it would work with the new fee.  Here's what I see:



So it will apparently refund the actual amount paid.


Personally, for Meetings and Webinars, I prefer to use Eventbrite for registration fees.  Eventbrite keeps some of your money, but the ability to communicate with your registrants through a MailChimp-like email interface is essential for most of my clients.  Plus, you can create multiple ticket types, with specific availability dates, like a "Full Price" ticket for the last week, but an "Early Bird" ticket that goes on sale immediately but then is no longer available when the Full Price ticket goes on sale.   Eventbrite will exchange registration data with Zoom for Meetings and Webinars (but not the Zoom Events products of Sessions or Conferences).

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.