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Zoom meeting keeps asking approved attendees to register


Is anyone else encountering the issue where a Zoom meeting with registration keeps asking people to register for a meeting even if 1) their registration has already been approved and 2) they are using the link sent in their confirmation email? This has always happened to at least a couple attendees for every Zoom meeting I’ve organized with Zoom registration in the past two months. The registration for these meetings usually requires manual approval (for security purposes, automatic approval is not an option for me). I think this is particularly common when the attendee has several Zoom accounts. But oddly, the problem seems to persist even if the user is already using the right join Zoom meeting link, that they received in the same email address that is logged in to the Zoom app and the Zoom browser profile. Clearing the cache doesn’t seem to work either.


Please help. I can work around it pretty easily as the host, but it’s hard to help other attendees troubleshoot (while managing the meeting while it’s ongoing), and some of them just end up giving up on attending.


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @dna6 if you can reach out to our Zoom technical support and they'll get this resolved for you. They'll further look into ensuring that the registration link is working for you!


Let me know if you need any assistance along the way! ​​​​​​​

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Hi RN. 

We have an event with multiple international stakeholders happening next week an upon testing our links we had the same issue. Can we please have an update as soon as possible so we can organise a back up plan asap.


Thanks in advance.


We had the same problem at our last webinar. Out of 500 attendees, dozens of them were prompted to reregister despite clicking the link Zoom sent them in their registration confirmation. It was a total nightmare being flooded with phone calls and emails when the webinar was starting.


We are having this same issue.  We have 3 Training Sessions per week.  Session 1 folks are good.  Session 2 everyone is being asked to reregister.  Session 3, only a handful have to reregister.  I don't know how to fix it.  We do these trainings twice a year and this is the first time we have had this issue and it is irritating to the attendees and for us.



Same here! Some sessions it happens, some it doesn't. It has been happening for months and seems to get worse right after major Zoom updates. It is a major issue when our presenters can't join because they keep getting asked to register and get stuck in that loop.


I've had this problem for the last 2 client webinars.  Fortunately, today the one client (to my knowledge) that was impacted was persistent and she re-registered twice.


I also cannot get in. We will miss the gathering while trying to connect.


I am having this issue as well (7-7-2022) I've had many people who click the link in the confirmation e-mail and they get moved to the registration page. Even when I send them the actual Zoom link that is listed in the meeting and it still doesn't work. 


I have the same issue today.  All participants were asked to register (again) and they got stuck in the loop and never able to get in. At the end I have to leave my scheduled meeting and just went on to start a new Zoom meeting...  I think I lost quite a bit of customer attention there....  How to fix??? 


I had the same issue today. Some were able to join after registering twice. Suspect many just gave up.


We had the same issue today. Manually approved 220 registrants to a meeting. A small handful had the same issue. It was frustrating and I think we lost about 40 attendees.



I worked with support and the engineers found a bug... so after a month they've diagnosed the problem and will hopefully have a fix soon.

Figured I would post this here since other people are reporting this is still happening...



Nov 9, 2022, 08:49 CST

Hello Nick,
Our engineers found the root cause of the problem.  Here's what they found.
This webinar has been updated with custom questions for registration on 2022-09-23 at 19:10:59 UTC. 
Some users had already registered before the custom questions were updated and got the old join link from an email. 
Since the join link token includes custom questions, these users who used the old join link to join the webinar would be failed because of the wrong token. 
In this case, these users clicked the join link and were taken to the registration page, and the new join link can work normally. 
Users who had registered after the custom questions were updated got the new join link, which was no problem.
Our engineers found the design bug and are working on fixing this.
I've let the support team know about this bug so that everyone is aware and can assist our customers more quickly.
Meanwhile, as a workaround, please instruct your team to send out a new registration link if any changes are made to custom questions.  
I'll make sure to let you know the progress of this one.
FWIW, I haven't heard back about any progress. Since people are still reporting issues in this thread I have to assume there hasn't been any fix to the "custom questions" bug.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @GPrior @dna6 @cusjmedia @nikoli @Harry1 and everyone else on this discussion, I see some tickets open that I am following that are currently experiencing the registration loop. I will update you (all), once we've investigated internally and get more information. Thanks!  

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Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @nikoli I see your ticket #15644479 has been closed. As this to what you're experiencing when an Attendee is prompted to register (again), even though they already registered.


@mhewett @GPrior @dna6 and everyone else, I see that this is an enhancement in-progress. I will update this thread and keep track of this fix. 

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Yes my ticket was closed because Zoom was supposedly working internally on a solution. It's definitely still relevant.

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Community Moderator | Employee

@nikoli I completely understand; it appears that a fix is being developed. Unfortunately, at this time, I have no ETA for this fix; however, I will keep this thread updated once I receive more information.

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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello Nick,


thanks for sharing this information. Are you also willing to share your Zoom support ticket number?

quoting your ticket may help speed up the resolution.



This issue seems like a question modification bug. Where the host would send out the invite and then goes back to modified the question and it would looped the participants that have already filled out the questions before the modification. The solution is to revert the modified  question back to the original question or create a new room. Once the question is written you can't change it or else this bug would appear. 


This makes sense now! Thanks for reporting on it.


I do have the same issue with one particular meeting consistently. Initially, I thought it was an issue with the meeting organizer's side. But no one else ever reported the same problem. therefore, it should be an issue on my end. I never reached out to Zoom technical support but I should try that.


Same problem here. I hope it gets some attention. 


Same problem here. Lost about entire audience! Surely, this bug should be fixed soonest!


We just had this happening today. Almost 50 registered. 18 of them got into the meeting. Many approved registrants emailed and said they were asked to register again and again in a loop.

I ended up to give some my own link, fearing I might get kicked out as the host, but fortunately that didn't happen and we had 4 more join. I had no time to do a mass email as I was conducting the ongoing meeting. This was a disaster!!

In future I will do it the old way having people  register via a form on our own website but that is way more work. NOT HAPPY. We PAY for PRO and get amateurish and faulty results. I might go to Google Meet. This is awful!! Unless we hear of a solid fix, I will not use zoom registration.

We had the same yesterday. 36 registered, only 3 got through. There had been no changes to custom questions.

Registration endlessly looping round for everyone else. Had to send out a new meeting link to registrants. Many had given up by then.

Please fix this, Zoom!

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @dna6 @Derek7799 @nikoli @mhewett  & everyone else on this thread! Advise checking the knowledge base article on Zoom registrants stuck in loop issue, as the resolution is currently scheduled to be released on April 17, 2023. In the meantime, hosts should uncheck the required question option from disabled custom questions.

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Participants to my meetings are still experience the registration loop issue.  I just retested it yet again a few minutes ago with a participant. I am not aware that I have ever had any registration questions, so I am not sure the bug fix is a comprehensive fix for all users.  My ticket just registered today is #17089475 in case that is of help in being able to see what my setting are. Any help is much appreciated.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @rjhc I have internally flagged your ticket for an update and advise that you keep getting support through it since they have the tools to dig deeper into your problem.

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By registration "questions," they mean form fields, e.g., Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Phone, Organization, and any custom fields you add. Every registration page has the email address "question" as a default minimum.

Are we sure Zoom's explanation of the issue is accurate? I don't think it's possible for a question to be required, but not visible. The actual problem seems to have been the addition or modification of registration "questions"/form fields after a person has registered. Their credentials were no longer valid on the updated registration page. Hopefully the April update resolved this issue.



As of today (June 14th) I am still having issues with this exact issue, for a Zoom meeting series that was created after the April update.  It is only the case for a couple of individuals, however it has become quite frustrating for them.


This has happened to my organization.  Zoom has loss my personal meeting ID that  I established when I open the account with them.  My account is still in operation under on my old pc  but I cannot use the personnel meeting ID  and other meeting ids that I initially established under my account with Zoom.  I have a new cp that I have been using with my old account and it was working find until this past week.  It all started when my account/plan was automatically renewed.  At that time all of my meeting IDs that I had set up have been loss or changed.  My meeting ID account information and passwords have also been changed and I cannot get  Zoom to find my records.  I have an invoice and payment has been made to renew my account.  What can I do.


I had the same issue last night, April 16 2024! While my registration list only shows 2 new people registering right before the event, my email shows 13 people registering right at the event time. Those were already registered folk trying to get in, and many of the folk in the meeting indicated they had to re-register. 


I never changed the questions, it's just Fname, Lname, and Email.


Will be reaching out to support, but this is not resolved.


EDIT: In researching other threads, the cause of the issue might be that I sent a link to the meeting in an email to all registered. Whereas they should have clicked the unique links in their confirmation message. Next week, I will resend the confirmation emails manually, and hopefully that will fix it as they will be reminded of their unique link. If it doesn't, I'll update here.