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How can I allow attendees to join meeting without me having to admit them


How can I allow attendees to join meeting without me having to admit them


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello diptydesai.
You just need to replace the current Meeting Security method you have selected for your Meetings. Disable "Waiting Room", and use i.e. "Password" instead.

Here is a good document that explains about the options you have to secure meetings:


In any case, the settings in question are in your Personal Zoom Portal: "PERSONAL > Settings > Security"

My recommendation is that you play with the multiple security options and use the ones you feel better fit your needs.



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello duptydesai.

I had replied to this one but it seems it got lost. Here it goes again with a shorter version:

There are multiple ways to secure you meeting, and a "Waiting Room" is just one of them that you seem to have activated by default in your Zoom Profile Meeting Settings.

Zoom enforces to use at least one (1) if the security methods to secure meeting, you just need to use one more to your liking and needs.

This link is a good reading about securing meetings:


If you want to keep it simple, just go to your Zoom portal:  "PERSONAL > Settings > Meeeting > Security" and turn off "Waiting Room" and use a different one like "Require a passcode" and you should be good to go.

