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How can only add Customizing webinar branding settings Permission?


How can only add Customizing webinar branding settings Permission?

Becase our Design department want to setup branding 

i create the New Role and add Branding permision 

but user only  see

What is Branding?

  • Branding enables corporate admin to customize a company landing page, logo, header/footer and custom email notifications.

How is Branding enabled?

  • Branding is free and can be enabled for Paid plans with more than 10 hosts such as Business or Education.

How do I upgrade to a Paid plan with more than 10 hosts?

  • To upgrade to a Paid plan with more than 10 hosts, please click on "Billing"

How do I start?

  • Once you have a Paid plan with more than 10 hosts, click on "Branding".

    Thank you !