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Events - Speaker's Company Website not showing up...


For a ZoomEvent, we have manually set up each speaker's bio, photo, social handles, etc and everything is showing up EXCEPT for their Company Website.  We've tried inputting the website several different ways -- by https:// or by www.  But nothing seems to work.  Has anyone else had this problem?



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @PubWeekly


 Can you DM me your account ID and the event that you are talking about and I will go in the backend and look at it and see if I can help you resolve it? Please do not add PII to this public page. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Hi @YaBoiB 


Thanks -- I'm not sure how to DM you on Zoom Community... please instruct.  🙂



Same for me. 76 speakers, none of their URLs showing up.

PubWeekly. To DM him, click on his handle, view profile and there's a button to send a message. But please share the solution...if there is one.

@jonathanscott  Weird -- I don't see the DM button on his profile or yours either... see attached.  Am I missing something?


@jonathanscott   Thanks!!!  I'll DM him and let you know if I find a solution.  I also posted on the ZoomEvents developer forum, and also reached out directly to support.  The support chat-person checked and said that even though you can collect the URL info in the Speaker profile, they haven't "developed" Events to display the Speaker's company URL yet.  Didn't make sense to me, which is why I'm still searching for an answer.    We tried tricking the system too, by inputting the URL different ways, deleting and then re-adding it.  I thought the Company logo or the Company name might be "hot' or linked to the URL, but nope.