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How I can access my account with suspensioned facebook account?


I have another zoom account, with which I usually logged in with Facebook account. But a couple of months ago, My Facebook account was hacked and now I can't use this account. So, I can't access my Zoom account either. So after that happened, I use another account(which I'am using now). But  last week, I found my former zoom account(which I can't use) has been payed for one year membership. But I can't log in. What can I do? Is there any way I can log in with other way or so...Please help! 


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @AnnKim0825,


Thanks for reaching out through Zoom Community. Please try this first:

How to sign in without Google, Apple, or Facebook

  1. Sign out of your Zoom existing account if applicable. 
  2. In, enter in the email address that matches your Google, Apple, or Facebook login.
  3. Click Sign Up.
    You will receive an email with sign up instructions.
  4. Click Activate Account.
  5. Enter your desired password twice.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter in email addresses of contacts to invite or choose Skip this Step.
  8. Click Go to My Account.
    This will take you to Profile page of the existing Zoom account. It should now show the Google, Apple, or Facebook icon that it showed previously, as well as an email icon to indicate that you can log in with email address and password.

    Note: If you change your sign-in email after completing the steps above, you will no longer be able to login with Facebook, Apple, or Google unless you are signed into accounts using the new sign-in email.

    If you change the email on your Facebook account, you can continue logging in using Facebook but you will no longer be able to login with the sign-in email and password you created unless you change them as well on your Zoom profile.



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