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Trying to get a report of participants


I have watched the video on how to get the Participants report (which is different than the number that registered for the event).  I do not get the same screens as the video, and my "Reports" area is under Account Management, not a separate tab like in the video I watched (which was published in early 2022 so I feel it is pretty current).  How can I get the attendance report?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @Lend2Live,
My name is Brandon. Thanks for joining the Zoom Community! The reports tab, has always been under the account management tab, if you are an admin for your account. If you are not, but the admin of your Zoom account provides you with the reports tab then the view is slightly different, but the same actions apply. Admins just have a different view because they manage the account in its entirety and members manage certain areas of the account, (i.e. Reporting). 


Screen Shot 2022-05-28 at 10.25.06 AM.png


If you have an Admin role on the Zoom Account then your reports tab will look like the above screenshot (from my test account) note, that even though I work at Zoom, I do not have an admin account for our main account. I have a member role and do not have access to everything that is accessible by our admins. 


I hope that this helps. 

Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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