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Can't hear students piano


I teach piano on zoom and my audio for hearing my piano students playing their pieces on the piano has gotten significantly worse in the last couple weeks!  I can see my students playing, but will not be able to hear anything or will only hear a note or two in a minute's time!  I can't teach lessons like this!  I am super frustrated!  I have been using zoom for lessons for over 3 years now and although the sound has never been perfect, I usually could hear enough to be able to critique their performances.  I can't do that when I can't hear them playing their piano!  I see several other people have complained about this increased problem in the last few weeks but there doesn't seem to be any response from ZOOM people!  Aren't you even going to respond or try to fix this, Zoom people!?!?



I’m having exactly the same problem and several of my colleagues are as well. We are having to use FaceTime or Skype to hear our students recently, after 2+ years of using Zoom for lessons and exams. I will be canceling Zoom soon because it has become unusable, unfortunately. Sorry you are having this frustration too!

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


if this issue is specific to a version and not some other reason you would be doing yourself and all Zoom users a service by reporting the issue in a Zoom support ticket so that it can be identified and fixed by Zoom developers.

I suggest you submit a ticket with Zoom support (


FYI I have submitted a ticket with this issue. A year ago. I've been getting messages irregularly on it since. It is NOT specific to a version (the latest version behaves the same). Zoom refuses to address it with enough priority to actually fix the problem.