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unable to sign in to update


This morning I tried to open Zoom to join a meeting on my Windows laptop. I got a message "Your app version needs to be 5.10.3 or higher to sign in. Please contact  your IT team to update your app."

First, when I go to support to get an update, it tells me I have to sign in, which I can't do (see above).

Second, I am a sole proprietor, I don't have an IT team.

What do I have to do?



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



Sorry to hear you have sign-in troubles to update your Zoom app. Here are the troubleshooting instructions for you:


If this response helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution, so others can benefit as well.


This isn't helpful. This page was last updated April 2022. The image it shows when you click on your profile pic is not what comes up when I click on mine. How can I update? I am also the sole owner of my account and needed so start a meeting an hour ago!!!


I am experiencing the identical problem.  Please tell me you found a way to make it work? 

Haven't found an answer yet. I keep going in circles. Have initiated a support ticket, and they are still sending me in the same circles. It's been 3 hours and still unable to use Zoom. I had to do weekly team meeting by conference call.

Zoom? Will you help us with this? We can't be going through this every 3 months.


I am experiencing the same issue. I hope you all provide a fix and solution quickly. I have a business to run and this is vital. Thank you!



Ok, I found a solution. I used the "zoom clean" option mentioned at the bottom of this article.  I was able to completely uninstall and reload the new version and now I'm up and running!  Hope it works for you guys!

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello Great to hear and yes thats part of the troubleshooting steps. 

It sounds like by doing the Zoom clean, I would lose all of my Zoom meeting that are already scheduled for clients. How can I update without having to lose all of that. I certainly don't want to go through this every 3 months.

I had the same problem, all I did was Uninstall Zoom (via Windows Add/Remove), and then reinstall (using the manually downloaded version). I did NOT do the Zoom Clean.


Have the same problem with an office of 30 people. Yesterday we uninstalled (also via Windows Add/Remove) and reinstalled from downloads companywide. Today I'm getting reports of the same error again. 

I wonder if that is why you have to use ZOOM clean. I did that yesterday and was able to use ZOOM this morning and record what needed recording. I hope you can get it working. 



Wondering if anyone has any news. CleanZoom or not, no matter how we uninstall and reinstall...within 1-3 days all our users still have the same error. We've also tracked that once again Zoom is moving the install location from program files to roaming profile folders. The last time this happened our users had issues too. 

Today I can't even elevate a call to a meeting between two users in our office. The other end simply says waiting for the host to start the meeting. Today, our team also reported several quality issues today and one user simply can't get zoom open at all....even with clean zoom and a reboot. Will update if support has anything...


I have the same problem. Can't believe we have to Uninstall and then Install for a update. 

How to update without uninstalling? 


Cannot believe this is still going on...over a year later.  Same issue, cannot update Zoom, and now there's a missing file and I can't even uninstall it in order to get a clean install.  Has Zoom offered any help with this mess at all?  Good grief - worldwide "leader" ....... in what exactly?


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @ET417! May I know if you are getting any error messages when trying to uninstall? 

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Community Moderator | Employee

Hello there,


I'm sorry for the late response.

If your device is not currently managed by an organization and you are receiving the error message "Please contact your IT team to update your app" when trying to update your device or when trying to join Zoom Meetings or webinars, then Zoom recommends uninstalling and reinstalling the Zoom Application.

If you are having issues uninstalling or reinstalling, ensure that you are logging in with credentials with administrator privileges on either your Windows or macOS device.

If you need to join a meeting immediately, then the Zoom Web App can be utilized until the standard Zoom application can be updated.

You can read more in this article.

Thank you and have a good day.

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