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"Unable to start Live Performance Audio" Error


I use  zoom to do an online karaoke room twice a week, and I noticed in the last update  (5.14.7)  the "Live Performance Audio" setting, but an unable to evaluate it because I get the following error "Unable to start Live Performance Audio"  when attempting to turn it on from the upper left hand corner, where I turn on Original Sound as well.  

We're both on Mac OS



Same error message: works well for normal zoom meetings but within a webinar?


Tested it again after 2 hours and now it seems to work. No understanding of the reason. Perhaps test again too?

it's currently not enabled for webinar (due to potential performance issue)


Am having the same problem.  Am not able to switch Live Performance Audio from OFF to ON by clicking on the upper left hand corner banner on the Zoom meeting screen, either.  I was not in a webinar.  I am using a Windows PC.  The other party in the Zoom call WAS able to turn  it to ON.  She was using a Windows laptop.  Any suggestions for me?


One possible reason is the CPU is not powerful enough. Maybe you can try on a Mac.

I am having the same problem- it is utterly frustrating- I have contacted zoom support about it and they keep asking the same questions over and over again. They are now telling me it is my bandwidth (which is 300Mbps download and 70Mbps upload) which I refuse to believe. I think the problem is that my operating system is out of date- the person I knew who it worked for uses windows 10, I am using macOS 10.14.5. What operating system are you attempting to use it on?

I'm on MAC 14 something Sonoma and having the same problem. 

I got some good advice to my question here- the person replied privately so I will relay their message. Apparently for live performance audio the CPU needs to have at least 4 cores. I'm not a computer geek so I have no idea what this means, but this page was great at guiding me to find out how many my laptop has. It turns out I have only 2. This would explain a lot. However I am yet to find anything on the zoom website that states this. Perhaps we could do a test- people who can get live performance audio to work then write how many cores your CPU has.

I canNOT do it and on a MacBook Pro Sonoma 14.0.  I have 4 cores... 

I have MacBookPro OS High Sierra and live performance audio used to work but now doesn't, although I do have it enabled in settings. Why would the programmers now require 4 cores when it used to work fine for my system as is?

Same here.  I am on a MacBook Pro just updated to Sonoma 14.  Zoom is updated too.  I canNOT turn on Live Performance Audio.  I can turn on Original Sound for Musicians, but when I set it to Live Performance Audio it appears in the upper left but will not let me turn it on. 



same here - stopped working after upgrading to Sonoma this week - before it was just fine. Need it regularly to sing in a meeting, in my PMI actually (not webinar)