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"Turning pages" while annotating


I would like to be able to review a multipage pdf document with a single student. I would like to be able to annotate a page, then flip to the next page without having the annotations from the first page overlaying this second page. I would like to also be able to annotate the second page independently. Ideally, the person I'm Zooming with could add to the annotations as well.  


Is there a way to do this? 

Thank you!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @LCW,


I think the answer is No. Think of it this way: You’re not actually annotating the PDF page, you’re annotating the Zoom screen. If you change what’s on the screen, the annotations will persist.


You can annotate the actual PDF document live/on screen with any Adobe Reader app that allows annotating and commenting on the actual PDF document. Search for “annotate PDF document” on the Internet – there are some free ones, and some paid. I personally have a full Adobe Acrobat license, since I do a lot of PDF work.


As with any Internet search, look out for scams.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.