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original sound for musicians on iPhone



I am a piano teacher

My student has an iPhone 13, and I can't hear what she plays at all.

she has original sound turned on

but there is no "original sound for musicians" option in her zoom iPhone settings.

I don't know if the two are the same.

what can I do?

I have a paid subscription if that helps.


Thank you very much!




I have been having problems lately with my piano students who use iPads as well.  We can't seem to find the option to turn on "Original Sound for Musicians" ever since things changed about 3 weeks ago. I tried the suggested steps from December, but those don't seem to be available to them now. Any ideas would really help! 




Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @shahafpiano @loricummings44 ,


Original sound will need to be turned on during the meeting. Please look at the iOS steps on this Knowledge Base:


If this response helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution, so others can benefit as well.

Iā€™m thinking THIS may be the key. I have gone to settings more generally, when not in a meeting, believing it would stay set that way when we opened a meeting. Now I will be certain to go to Original Sound once I have opened a meeting. Iā€™ll report the results after worship on Sunday. Thanks. 

There is no solution to this

ZOOM disabled original sound for musicians on IPhone
there is a comment from a zoom employer here to back this.


I think that they have done something to improve it since my original post.  Things have been better and I am hearing my students using iPads much better again.  Students on laptops are still able to use the "use original sound" feature and I get good quality from them.  Students using Android tablets have no issues at all.  Overall, I do believe that Zoom seems to have rectified the issue, for which I am thankful.  The only ones I have use the "Original Sound for Musicians" are students using laptops now, which is fine as the sound seems to be fine. 


That is an old instruction from December 2022 and does not work since the new update of 3 weeks ago on iPad.  I have tried it with 2 students.  We opened the "more" tab and searched through each section.  There was no option to "enable original sound" or anything similar in it. 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @loricummings44 


I do see this on my iphone 12. 


Making sure you meet the pre-requisites:




Also, the Global minimum versions:


If this response helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution, so others can benefit as well.


Even after turning off the Enable Original Sound option, the piano sound is suppressed on iPhone and iPad.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



That seems to be the issue. You need to turn on the Original sound for musicians as it will disable any noise suppression. 



Please follow this article for details:


If this response helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution, so others can benefit as well.

Sorry I should has said turned it on. Yes I turned it on. Regardless the music is suppressed. 

It used to work, but suddenly it stopped working recently. 

Hi Sachin,

I am taking guitar lessons for past 6 months on zoom. My teacher uses Windows and I am using an ipad. I have checked my audio enable original sound  settings when I am not in our meeting and on the meeting screen when we have started lesson. He CANNOT  hear my guitar.  He has not been able to hear me. If I lightly strum with my finger he can hear it sometimes. But if I use a pick normally it he cant hear me play. I sit in a quiet room for my lesson. I am the only student of his having this problem. 
I tried sitting outside for a recorded lesson and when I played it back his audio was inconsistent. I couldnt hear him for part of the lesson. Please help!!

Not sure if this helps, but one of my students actually finds that with her Zoom, it looks like Original Sound is turned on when it is really turned on.  As soon as I told her to try turning it off just to experiment, it worked again. 

Thank you! Yes it was user error. I had the settings correct outside the meeting room and you are exactly right. I had it off in the meeting! Hopefully he will hear me at the next lesson. Appreciate your helping me 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



if you try to use this feature from a free account you have to have a credit card on file for the free account. This is a relatively new requirement.



Any explanation to this? Literally thousands of music teachers & students scrambling this month to find other alternatives to Zoom. (I run a FB group of 3000+ members including music teachers). To me, it would seem that if the host participant has a paid account, then that should be enough. Requiring students and other clients who only use this app once a week or less to put their credit card on file for Original Sound is only going to push people away to free apps.

What do you mean by "credit card of file"?
so ZOOM want a user to enter his or her credit card number into a program he or she doesn't need to purchase just so they can activate original sources for musicians?
 Why? if it's not even buying, but just placing the card number, doesn't make a lot of trust in the system.
anyway, the sound in "google meet" is better and I already paid for zoom, please fix this, it doesn't make any sense.

I agree, please fix this, but in the meantime, I'm looking into google meet.  I am a paid subscriber as well, and can't run my business this way.


Frank, this is RIDICULOUS!  I can't believe what I'm hearing.  Does everyone else have to pay to HEAR on a zoom meeting?  you are ruining the businesses of 1,000s of people!   I will definitely looking at other platforms that do not have this ridiculous policy.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello lindar705,


I am not ruining anything for anyone. I am a customer just like you, who happens to volunteer my time here trying to help other customers like you.



If you want to let Zoom know how you feel please use this link for their customer feedback feature. 




It used to work so well in 2022, before the last upgrade. I wish they had left it alone.


Iā€™m told that it is only on computers that you get the option of ā€œOriginal Sound for Musiciansā€. Mobile devices have ā€œoriginal soundā€ but that doesnā€™t take care of the music issue

i am an annual professional subscriber. My church members who participate in worship via our Zoom feed need not pay anything to do so. 


I'm a piano teacher, and I have a paid account on Zoom, 
and I'm here to say that even with the 'Original Sound' turned On, is no longer possible to listen my students who use Iphones playing the piano.
And Zoom doesn't give a f** to it.




My students with iPads are fine again