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how to mute your mcrophone while showing a video in screen share on zoom


When I try to show a video from my desktop, the video shows to the participants, whose microphones I muted, but my microphone is still working and picks up ambient sounds from the room in addition to the video sound track.  If I mute my microphone the video sound also mutes.  Thank you in advance for you assistance.


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @sburech. when sharing content do you have share computer audio checked? You can click on 'Share Screen' to either share computer audio with your video you can check the 'Share sound' (Bottom left corner), or for music you can click on the advanced tab and click on 'Computer sound only.'


You can also look into the KB on Managing audio echo in a meeting if experiencing audio feedback. 



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I have a similar problem and I do select the two buttons at the bottom of the share screen.  I never had this problem before I allowed a software update recently.  I could share and show the video while muted and record while my mike was muted.  No more!! Bad deal if true.

And I also have just started having this problem. I share a video (YouTube say), have checked both buttons on the share button page (share audio and optimise) and it seems to share ok, video and sound. But if I mute my mic it kills the shared audio. Also the volume of shared audio sent varies with my local volume control. If I turn down local volume the zoom recipients hear it quieten. Normally the local volume is detached from transmitted shared audio. To reduce volume on the shared audio I move the volume slider on the YouTube window. 

So the shared sound seems to come from the local sound channel rather than the video source. That’s a change. 

Additionally the sound recipients receive is poor quality with pips and sputs. I have to turn on ‘original’ sound to bypass sound processing to make the video sound be presentable audible.


windows 10 pc. But it has just done a zoom update. I’ll check tomorrow to see if that has resolved the problem. 

Ok an update. 

the zoom upgrade to 5.12,2 has not changed anything. The problem is the same, a mic mute during an audio visual share kills the shared sound. 

another observation is that a video clip audio is shared anyway without needing to activate the shared button. If I play YouTube in a separate window then it’s audio is sent out to other recipients before I actually click to share the YouTube window. It’s as though the YouTube sound is actually being sent via the mic channel. This explains why the ‘original’ sound as to be on. Music from YouTube via the mic channel is affected by the noise filters. But a YouTube clip of talking is fine. It seems the YouTube output is just sent to the mic channel instead of sent in parallel to it. 


I have the same problem - it seems since the last Zoom upgrade. I use a Mac.

 I have both boxes ticked (checked) to screen share a video, but it seems to automatically pause the screen share and I can't unpause it.  I'm not sure if this is linked to me muting myself (so noone hears my background noise) during the playing of a video. It seems though that if I mute myself, which I always used to do with no problem, now it messes up the whole screen share.  I also have the same problem of the sound not properly coming through the computer as it used to do so well. Please help and fix this bug!!

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @sburech, just reaching out to see if you were able to test! 

Zoom Community Moderator

Have you heard about Zoom AI Companion? ➡️ Check it out!


I know this is way after the fact, but I was experiencing this today and I believe that I figured it out. If I start presenting the video with my microphone muted and choose the option at the bottom left to "Share sound," it shares the sound of the video and leaves my microphone muted with no microphone sound coming through. Then if I need to interject while the video is playing, I can unmute my microphone, talk, and then remute my microphone. If I start sharing the video with my microphone unmuted, for some reason, when I mute my microphone, it mutes all system audio. I have tested this today extensively and have found it to be the case in all tests. This was absolutely baffling to me and I have no idea why these two different audio sources would be affected by each other. There needs to be a mute function for shared screens with audio and a mute function for microphones.


Hope this helps.