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how can I see who has registered for a meeting?


Hi everyone! 


I have Zoom Pro, I made up a meeting for next week for which people have to register. How can I see who has registered for the meeting? I am teaching a class, so it would be very useful to know who / how many people are coming. 

I registered with another email address too, just in case nobody had registered and I could then find it but no luck. 

Please help! 

Thanks so  much! 🙂 



Just curious if you ever received an answer?

Haha looks like an answer came just after you posted. I did find out, it's very obvious, I was just clicking on the wrong links so it wasn't working for me. So all good! 🙂 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



Hosts of meetings and webinars with registration can view and manage their registrants before the session is scheduled to start.  On the Registration tab, click View to see a list of people that have registered for the meeting.


Sign in to the Zoom web portal.

In the navigation menu, click the Meetings or Webinars page.
Find the scheduled session you wish to edit and click on the topic.
Click the Invitations tab (for Webinars) or the Registration tab (for Meetings).
Find the Manage Attendees (Webinars) or Manage Registrants (Meetings) section and click Edit or View on the right-hand side.
The meeting or webinar list of registrants will open. You can view three categories: Pending Approval, Approved, and Denied/Blocked.
Under the Pending Approval tab, view the list of unapproved registrants, click the registrant's name to view their registration details, and then click Approve or Deny for their registration.
(Optional) Approve or deny registrants in bulk by selecting multiple registrants' checkboxes and clicking the Approve or Deny buttons.
Note: If a registrant is denied, you will be able to send a custom message to them. Enter the custom message and click Send.
(Optional) To cancel registrations (deny registrants), click a registrant's name, then click the Cancel Registration button.
Note: If a registrant is denied, you will be able to send a custom message to them. Enter the custom message and click Send. The registrant will appear in the Denied/Blocked tab.
To deny registrants in bulk, select multiple registrants' checkboxes and click the Cancel Registration button.
(Optional) To approve registrants, access either the Denied/Blocked or Pending Approval tab, then click a registrant's name, and click the Approve button.
To approve registrants in bulk, select multiple registrants' checkboxes and click the Approve buttons. 



If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!