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error: Http 401 error


When I try to login with my regular Zoom account (which I've been using for 2 years) I have been getting the following error message error: Http 401 error


I get this from my phone and multiple computer devices.


The url I used to login is



Same here.  Started experiencing this issue 2 days ago up until now.


I just responded to another thread about this. I also began having this issue as of November 11 on Chrome.  I was able to access my account through Firefox (which is a good thing as I had students waiting! ) but - get this - I just signed on to  Zoom Community , then I refreshed the regular sign in page that had the error message on it and I can now access my meetings.  Clearly the Zoom site has an internal glitch going on.


Hi, thanks for taking the time to respond! The exact same thing happened with me - when I logged in through Zoom Community it worked for me too! So yes there is some weird glitch going on.

Thanks for the tip -- signing in to worked for me, too. Not only did I use it to circumvent the "401 sign in error," it also worked for "invalid name or PW error" (supplied by a password manager, so not my fumble fingers)

Another thing that worked for me was to go in thru the desktop client software ("C:\Program Files\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe" on my Win10 machine) which takes me to what looks like an identical page, only now the sign in works.

Lesson learned: Start sign in for starting a meeting 10-15 minutes ahead of time so you can try everything.


Hi; using a workaround I just sent this to Zoom support: 

Hi, problems signing in. This seems a known issue that others are having - see below that I will post on this Community thread.

For now, I found a (poor) workaround - "forgot password" and Zoom's emailed link to reset password (pw requirements the same, need upper and lower case). Changed PW, got in. Thought I was set - signed out and in, but it only worked ONCE...2nd sign out and attempt to sign in brought the same "error code 401" that I started seeing today 11/14.

First on laptop while my desktop still was OK, but soon it started on desktop too. Both running Win 10 and Chrome. I tried clearing all cookies, cache, restart etc. Ran all cleaning and scanning utilities I have, but the problem still exists. 

I'm a paid Zoom user since early 2020. Hope you can help -thank you!


FYI - I mention upper/lower case password requirements in my request as someone posted in Community that it was an issue for them when signing in. They said the sign in page wasn't accepting typed upper case letters, which are required in PWs. Thanks


I experienced the same issue in Chrome and was able to successfully log in using Safari. Hopefully they will fix this issue soon. 


Pasting from another thread, credit and gratitude to user "godlo" - 2 days of emails with and fixes from Zoom Support have not solved the issue, but I think this has! (I must say though, that Support was quick to reply, nice, and is trying.)

Be aware that you are logging in by and not from

If you search zoom in Google you can see that is caching the Signin (that give that 401 error) page.

As of 4 successful sign-ins today at, I think godlo's right that the uppercase "S" in the URL is the issue. Gratitude and hope that this fix (which I'll share with support) sticks.


I am experiencing this problem as well.  I just want to set up a meeting.  I can get into this community but not on to my main account


I  was having this issue too today,  After about 20 panicked minutes and not getting anywhere with the Zoom virtual assistant, I was finally able to log in on my phone, before my day of conferences was completely wasted.  I did end up going with MS Edge browser and that also did the trick.  Plus, through Chrome, I was able to sign into the community too!  So, yeah, I don't get what's going on with the Sign up page through Chrome either.

How do I fix http error 401?
There are seven methods you can use to fix the 401 Error:
  1. Check the URL.
  2. Clean your firewall and browser cache.
  3. Log out and log in again.
  4. Disable your plugins or theme.
  5. Flush your DNS records.
  6. Reload the page.
  7. Check with your hosting provider.


