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breakout rooms - sessions could not be started


This evening I had a meeting with 190 participants. We wanted to let them discuss in small groups, so I created 48 rooms and assigned the participants manually. When this was done, I pressed the button "Start sessions" - and: nothing happened. I even could not save the settings (which is I really nice and new feature). This gave me a very general error message and the code IIRC -1.

Then I reset the breakout rooms and started the sessions when few rooms where filled. I continued to assign the participants manually but when I had assigned about 145 participants, no mor could be assigned.

Our plan is business and my  account has a limit of 300 participants.
As I've understood reading "Managing breakout rooms" ( I should have be able to assign all my 190 participants to the 48 rooms.
Do I miss anything? Why I could not get the rooms-sessions be started?



Hi Edleklaus,


I don't have an answer but had a similar problem. This has happened twice but with much smaller numbers than what you're working with. I pre-assigned breakout sessions for 16 people and when I pushed the Start Sessions button only about 3 of the 16 people were assigned. This is both frustrating and embarrassing. If I learn anything helpful, I'll let you know. Please do the same. 


Best regards, 
