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altrnative host


how does an alternative host get licensed?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @juliestrauss1 


That's not quite the question, Julie.  Here's the deal with Alternative Hosts: they get assigned by the user who schedules the meeting/webinar, but in order to be designated as an Alternate Host, several prerequisites must be met (see this Zoom Support article for complete details:


The most important prerequisite for your question is this: 

  • Both users need to be Licensed and on the same account

Neither one can be a Basic (free) account. And they both have to be on the same organizational account.  I call it the organizational account, since some people refer to the individual person's Zoom login as an account, which I sometimes call the individual's account.  Basically, the organizational account has one person designated as the account owner (there can be multiple people designated as Admins, but there can be only one owner).  Both the assigning host and the (candidate) alternate host must be on the same account as held by the designated account owner.


If you and another licensed user are both on the same account (such as owned by the business you work for), and both of you are Licensed (paid), then you can designate that person as an Alternate Host.


So "being licensed" isn't sufficient for you to designate someone as an Alternate Host.  You must both belong to the same account owner.


I hope that helps!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.