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Zoom recording conversion not working


I have an important zoom recording that I recorded to my mac. It didn't convert properly, and I tried to convert it with any app that would open... I forgot it was a video (I meant to just record audio), and opened it in the music app to see if that would work. Of course it didn't, and now it say it's a "music document" and opens the music app every time I click on it, but nothing plays.

I tried going online to converitio, but got an error that the input file couldn't be recognized.

Did I just completely blow any chance of listening/viewing it? Is there any way of converting it? The extension still says .zoom


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

hi @ScriptCreative 

sorry you have problems.

Yes, recordings are done in a zoom specific file for speed and efficiency and then converted after the meeting.

If your Mac is set, it should recognise the .zoom file and ask the Zoom app to convert it for you.


All the best

