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Zoom randomly shares my computer sound even when I'm not sharing audio


I have an odd issue that has only happened a couple of times and is seemingly random (first time was in August last year, second time was today).


Basically, I'll be in a Zoom meeting, not sharing sound or screen, and I'll watch a video on my computer (eg. on YouTube or Twitter). Even though I'm not sharing anything from my computer, other people in the meeting will hear the video audio.


It's not through the computer mic as I have earphones in and the friends in the Zoom also said that it was definitely coming directly from the computer (not as indirect/background sound being picked up through mic). It seems intermittent as well, as the first time I watched a Twitter video today, others in the Zoom heard it, but when I played another Twitter video a few minutes later to test if they could hear it, they said they couldn't hear anything.


Does anyone have any idea what is causing this? Operating system is Windows 10 if that makes a difference.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I would find it hard to believe that it's not coming through your microphone. Possibly because "Original Sound for Musicians" has been turned-on.

You certainly test this theory by lowering your microphone gain to 0. This setting is located in the Zoom Audio Settings. Then play a video locally and see if the audio bleed is still present.

If you find this information helpful, please click on "Accept as Solution".

If you have further questions, please reply, we're happy to help.

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen


Today, I also experienced the same thing. I use macOS Ventura. I have left Zoom meeting and joined the meeting again, still have the same promblem.

New Member
New Member

I have just experienced this issue. I was not sharing and when I clicked a YouTube link, everyone on the call started hearing the audio of the video - not as background noise but as full audio. My mic was muted via hardware - and I confirmed that the correct device was being used. People could not hear me if I talked.

Zoom was clearly routing the YouTube audio to the meeting. This has to be a bug.