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Zoom account has no record of a meeting I recorded to my desktop, and still says "Upcoming Meeting"


I recorded a meeting to my desktop.  My zoom account does not show the recording.  I cannot find it on my computer.  Also, although I ended the meeting, my zoom account still shows it as an "Upcoming Meeting," and has the button for me to start the meeting.  What do I do?  Thank you 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello. Two issues - 1) the local recording not appearing, and 2) an upcoming meeting still showing for a meeting you ended. 

Local Recording issue

I'm not sure if you are on a PC or Mac. Here are the default folder locations where you will find your Zoom recordings for local recordings.

  • Windows: C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Zoom
  • Mac: /Users/[Username]/Documents/Zoom

I added a screenshot of my PC showing the Zoom folder. Any chance you recorded the meeting to the cloud?

You can also sign in to Zoom and go to Local Recording - This is a nice way to see all your local recording and their respective paths. A screenshot for local recordings is also attached.


Upcoming Meeting Issue

Since you had the meeting and ended the meeting, you should have an attendance report. Go to Zoom.US and sign in. The attendance report is under Account Management, Reports, and Active Host. A screenshot is showing this is also attached. 

If you see the attendance report, I would ensure it is accurate and delete the meeting from the Zoom web portal. I would reach out to Zoom support if you don't see the attendance report.


I hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you need.