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Zoom Pop Up while flying


While flying, I am unable to utilize my computer due to an incessant zoom pop up that keeps telling me "Unable to establish secure connection to zoom" due to wifi restrictions and airplane mode. Does anyone know how to disable this pop up? If I close it, it opens up immediately. 



I don't have any answer to this, but the same problem.  Whoever designed this feature is some kind of idiot.  The popup is so incredibly persistent that it actually interferes with solving the connection problem that it is screaming about.   I mean, seriously, did the software designer think that Zoom is the only program we use on our computers?  That we need to be reminded every two seconds ad infinitum that we don't have a connect?  Did it ever occur to the designers that they make our computers unusable on airplanes?  Really?  Incredibly bad design.


Well, I do have kind of an answer to your problem, but it is a kludge.  Go into Task Manager, and manually stop Zoom.  Then you will be left in peace for the duration of your flight.  I have submitted a ticket to support on this; maybe they will fix it.  Otherwise, I'm ditching Zoom.