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Zoom Debian Linux package requires ibus even on KDE and XFCE (Kubuntu and Xubuntu)


The Zoom Debian Linux package is requiring ibus. But ibus is part of GNOME desktop.

So installing zoom_amd64.deb under KDE Plasma breaks keyboard support due to ibus and related dependencies which do not work under KDE.


Thus hereby a request to please remove ibus from required dependencies in zoom_amd64.deb.


$ cat ./zoom/DEBIAN/control 
Package: zoom
License: see
Vendor: Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: Zoom Linux Team <>
Installed-Size: 468772
Depends: libxcb-keysyms1, libglib2.0-0, libxcb-shape0, libxcb-shm0, libxcb-xfixes0, libxcb-randr0,
libxcb-image0, libfontconfig1, libgl1-mesa-glx, libegl1-mesa, libxi6, libsm6, libxrender1, libpulse0,
libxcomposite1, libxslt1.1, libsqlite3-0, libxcb-xtest0, libdbus-1-3, libxtst6, ibus, libxcb-xinerama0,
libxkbcommon-x11-0, desktop-file-utils, libfreetype6 (>= 2.6)
. . .




Yep, I am doing a new install of Zoom and suddenly get dependencies on ibus, libegl1-mesa, libxcb, python3-ibus, ibus-gtk and a few others. I am  using a few month old Linux distro so there should be NO reason Zoom won't install. I don't need ibus, it will ruin my setup. This is just crazy. Bye bye Zoom, hello jitsi, and it's free too.


When a multi-billion dollar goliath like Zoom hires sub-par developers to package their software, arguably the most important job in a software firm - they deserve to fail! I read the Support forums on this same topic and the absolute failure of support staff to understand the weight of this problem was unbelievable. The Debian Maintainers of ibus made posts to try and help out, but Zoom staff ignored them. I consider this a massive failure from Zoom and a smack in the face for Linux users everywhere. See ya later Zoom!

As a temporary workaround, you can create a dummy ibus package with equivs. It worked for me.


I second that. My system uses FCITX5 for input. There is absolutely no reason why iBus should even exist on my system. Zoom should just trust that my OS has whatever it needs in place to provide keyboard input. Period. The dependency is an unjustified nuisance.


They've done it again!  After a couple of years safely installing the latest version. The current latest version has IBus back in again and my keyboard switcher, which I use alot, is broken and replaced with that crappy IBus interface that doesn't let you switch and looks awful. 

I'm sick of uninstalling Zoom and Ibus (because it hangs around afterwards!) every time I have a Zoom call. This can be a few times a day.  I'm a paying customer and really pee'd off about this.

My method is to repackage the zoom package whenever an update comes by using hashman's Repack Zoom .debs to remove the `ibus` dependency on their website. Should take 5 minutes to repackage.

My method is to use Hashman's Repack Zoom .debs to remove the `ibus` dependency everytime I update:

scratch=$(mktemp -d)

# Extract package contents
dpkg -x zoom_amd64.deb $scratch

# Extract package control information
dpkg -e zoom_amd64.deb $scratch/DEBIAN

# Remove the ibus dependency
sed -i -E 's/(ibus, |, ibus)//'

$scratch/DEBIAN/control # Rebuild the .deb dpkg -b $scratch patched_zoom_amd64.deb 

Then install the patched .deb with

dpkg -i patched_zoom_amd64.deb

Since they dont want to fix this for many years now, my current method is to use Hashman's Repack Zoom .debs to remove the `ibus` dependency:

scratch=$(mktemp -d)
# Extract package contents
dpkg -x zoom_amd64.deb $scratch
# Extract package control information
dpkg -e zoom_amd64.deb $scratch/DEBIAN
# Remove the ibus dependency
sed -i -E 's/(ibus, |, ibus)//' $scratch/DEBIAN/control
# Rebuild the .deb
dpkg -b $scratch patched_zoom_amd64.deb

Then install the patched .deb with

dpkg -i patched_zoom_amd64.deb

Since they dont want to fix this for many years now, my current method is to use Hashman's Repack Zoom .debs to remove the `ibus` dependency on their website. I would link it, or even type the codes, but even this website is janky and would not allow me so please look it up