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Zoom Consistently Crashing Windows 10 with Blue Screen of Death


Hello, I am having a very frustrating issue where Zoom is crashing my Windows laptop consistently.  I've reinstalled Windows 10, turned off HW accelerate but still happens.  Zoom becomes somewhat unusable.  This must be happening to someone else?


Does my CPU and HW configuration have anything to do with this?  I have a Lenovo Legion 5 Pro laptop with the AMD 5800H CPU and with Radeon graphics and 64GB of RAM.  I am running on a high performing SSD.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @ricklau 


Are your Windows Updates, including drivers, up-to-date?


Are you using the 64-bit version of Zoom?


Does the Zoom app load at all - or does it only crash at a certain point?


As you are on a laptop, does it make a difference whether you have external peripherals connected - or using the laptop completely standalone? 

Many times, I've rebooted, started Zoom only, then it crashed with in one minute of joining a Zoom meeting.  Nothing was connected this time.  This that this was pretty much with a fresh Windows 10 install.


Then I started updating my drivers like the graphics driver.  No help.  Finally this is when I emailed this group.


Before I reinstalled Windows, I was running Virtualbox and each time I plugged in my Android USB device, I got the BSD, though most of the times I was not on a Zoom call.  Do you think that even though Zoom is not on a call, that will still cause a BSD?

I found out I am running 32 bits!!!  Looks like Zoom changed their default option when I compare the default on Zoom's website to this video.   I will upgrade to 64 bits.



Hello all. I know this is an old thread but was moving to 64bit Zoom the path to resolution?

Nope. It BSoDs on you, in my case every single meeting. Its blaady annoying. Win10, latest everything, updated, overupdated and updated again drivers, fiddling with graphics drivers - NO LUCK!

One observation, though: 32GB of RAM. Haven't tried to remove one slot to leave one half yet - I need memory for my day-to-day work, but that's a possibility. Would people with plenty of RAM respond to this - together we might nail the prob...

Similar issue. Happens mostly when sharing screen, but not limited to that case.


I was on yesterday with Windows support for an hour yesteray fixing all kinds of errors that were happening when zoom starts up, and blah blah blah.  Got on a zoom last night, 10 minutes in, blue screen of torturous death!  Makes me so furious because I have put so much time into reporting the stop codes when they come up, trying to troubleshoot, and nothing works!  I seriously have to make sure someone else is cohost as soon as I get on a zoom, and I try to share as minimal as possible.  It seems to only do it when I am the host.  Never happens when I am in someone else's meeting.  


I am having the same issue and it is so frustrating.  Last night I was leading a virtual class with only 20 minutes remaining and got a BSD.  Every time I tried to log back into zoom afterwards I immediately got a BSD.  4 times in a row.  I had to rejoin from my phone and it was terribly embarrassing. People are paying to attend these classes so I need a resolution badly!