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Using Webservices to Delete old Cloud Recordings - Such a mess


Hi All


      We have been trying to clean up cloud recordings that have not been accessed or downloaded that are at least a year old.

  • I have downloaded the Recording Management report. When you download you get additional columns you don't see in UI. It has total views and downloads. So, great. Unfortunately it only has Meeting ID and does not have the unique UUID. It shows file count and total size and start time.
  • For many users Meeting ID is the same for most of these meetings.
  • To locate the particular recording with 0 views or downloads, I tried to use  the meeting ID and date of the meeting and use List All Recordings webservice and specify that one date. Unfortunately there are multiple meetings on the same day.
  • Regardless, the result has UUID and Recording ID. The start time and file sizes don't match the Recording Management data!!!
  • So, using the UUID I tried to use  Get Meeting Recording's Analytics Summary 
  • This gives total views and downloads, thats all and it is for the entire meeting and not for each recording.

So, I am at a loss here. I need to uniquely identify all recordings in the past that have never been downloaded or viewed in a reliable way so I can delete them with confidence. Why is it so difficult?

