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Scheduling for another team member


Hi there,


I want to know how do I, as an account member, but NOT the account owner, set up zoom meetings in an Outlook calendar with the Account Owner's meeting ID.


I am the scheduler for a Financial Advisor. He added me to his personal zoom account with administrative privilege's, but I don't seem to be able to create a new Outlook meeting for him with HIS zoom PMI. It always defaults to mine and then he cannot change the calendar meeting later if he needs to.


Can anyone chime in on this and help a gal out? I'd be so grateful!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello @Leslie 

I will assume when you say "I am the scheduler for a Financial Advisor. He added me to his personal zoom account with administrative privilege's" you mean you were given "Delegate Access" or "Scheduling Privileges" from the Financial Advisor's Zoom Portal.

With that out of the way, here a a very good document that explains who to set the Delegation, and also How to use it:  It won't work if you try to schedule a meeting for this person if you use any Plug-in, that will schedule it just for you:  It needs to be done from either your Zoom App, or from your Zoom Portal, and from there you will be provided with an option "Schedule for"



I hope this helps