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Recordings Analitics don't add up...


My analytics on a recording showed that I had 85  participants in a meeting.  My meetings are small (no more than 10 even). I never saw 85 people. The audio was a little strange but when I'd try to interact, nothing came of it.  Does this make sense to anybody? 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @ZMal2020,


Analytics on a recording?  What report are you looking at, exactly?


It's been a while since I looked at them in detail, but I do recall that in most Zoom reports, all participant logins were included from all sessions.  This sounds easy... but look closely at your data for the following things that might affect the quantity of records:

  • If there was a practice session (meeting or webinar) that started before the scheduled meeting, logins to that session may be listed.
  • If a user logged in from more than one device, both logins may show.
  • If a user loses connectivity to Zoom and re-joins a meeting, both user connections may show.
  • In some cases, I think transferring to a Breakout Room also gets logged as a separate connection.

Check your data closely for these types of occurrences, and some of these might help explain the difference between what you see and what you expected.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.