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Re: Screen sharing / Audio Troubles


I am hosting a zoom meeting.  I am playing a video.  I have an external camera with a microphone.  My participants complain that they cannot hear the dialog from the video.  Is there a way to increase the volume within the zoom meeting app?



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @Russzoom.


You don’t say how you’re playing the video.

Do you have an MP4 you’re playing in the Screen Share -> Advsnced -> Video box? This is the best way to “play a video.”


Are you playing a video file located on your computer, and using the Screen Share and picking a display or window?


Or are you playing an embedded video in a web browser and sharing your screen?


FYI, there is no volume control for “play all my sound louder”. Only the first option above has a volume control. If you’re using either of the other two, make sure you are selecting the “Share sound” option, but beyond that, Zoom just sends what it gets. 

If there is music involved, please investigate the Original Sound fot Musicians option on your Settings -> Audio tab. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.