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Profile picture keeps resetting?


Mine and my company members' profile pictures keep resetting.


I think it's because we use a google login and it always defaults to the google profile picture on our email. This would be alright except the image is turned into a 10x10 blurry mess. If we change the profile picture or delete it, it will return the next day. This is a significant oversight by the Zoom team. Is there a fix for this?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @TZJ,


The fix currently is to log in to Zoom directly with account email address and password, and abandon the Google login.


You might submit a Feature Request to allow users who sign in via Google to change their profile image to a non-Google image:


Feature Request entry: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

We're having the same problem logging into the zoom app. It keeps reverting to the Gmail picture and not using the zoom profile pictures we've saved. It works half the time and half the time its different. Please fix!

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @vweb.


Can you give me some idea of "when it works" and "when it doesn't"?  I'm told by my Zoom contacts that if you have a Zoom profile picture set, it should use that -- even if you log in with a Google-based account. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

I'm having this issue as well - always when I log on with Google, it reverts to the google image.  I agree that it should keep the zoom picture, and that's what the documentation says.  But it doesn't.


This was not the behavior a month ago.  Something changed with the recent windows client update that reset profile pictures for my entire company.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey, @pdoyle –


Sorry, I can’t keep up with all the changes! You might want to log a Support Ticket directly with Zoom for this:

Support Ticket entry: 


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Okay, everyone: @vweb@TZJ, and @pdoyle --


I'm not really a Google user, so I've been telling you what I think is the answer based on Zoom documentation and what I hear from other folks.  But today I pulled out one of my Google accounts and linked it to the Zoom account - which was easy!  But then I changed profile pictures in several "normal" ways... and now I see what you're saying -- it's kind of crazy!


I'm going to be documenting this in a video, and will toss it over to the Zoom folks I know, and see if they can help.  Patience... but I'm working on it.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


A little to add to this, I logged into one of our other zoom accounts in a google chrome tab, closed the tab while still being signed into the zoom app. When I went to open a zoom meeting it is using the profile of the other zoom account that I closed out of (I didn't log out but assumed the app would override especially when I closed the tab).