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Possibility of hosting simultaneous meetings




These days, I am working on an application that allows users of this to delegate the making of the video call, via the RestFull API, to this application. So I have made the app on the marketplace in Server To Server OAuth mode, thus having the centralised account from which it will receive requests from users for the realisation of meetings. Now, a doubt has occurred to me, and it would be the following: is it possible to host two meetings taking place at the same time on the same day without the host who realised (i.e. the subject itself), being there?


Thank you for your attention.



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@GianDragon - If you are hosting these meetings out of your account, and you are the host of all of the meetings, you would only be able to host 1-2 meetings concurrently depending on your license type.  I am not sure what the overall objective of your application is if everyone is creating meetings on your account vs. their own, but it doesn't sound like this model will work for you.


Got it, thanks for the response. The aim would be to bring two specific subjects together through logic. So would you advise me to delegate the licence to one of the two parties so that it can have the full functionality offered by the plan such as the duration of the meeting, etc? 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

If you intend to have multiple people running this concurrently, then that would be the best approach.  If the participants are outside of your account, you will have to have the other users load the application in Marketplace to their accounts since you will not be able to create a meeting for a user on an external account.


I am a Licensed host, and the other is a Licensee are having problems establishing how to set up 2 concurrent meetings.   Are there step by step instructions?  The Licensee logs into our account as do I but we still face problems entering the meeting - one will shut down while the other continues.  Thank you.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Ngarangi - If you have a pro or free account, you can only have 1 meeting at a time.  You would have to have a business, education or enterprise account to have 2 concurrent meetings.


Appreciate the reply @colegs.  I am looking at upgrading to business or business pro.  Thank you.