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Participant can't be heard when others speaking


There's one participant in our zoom meetings that when anyone else is talking while she's talking, she can't be heard by myself or others. She says it only happens in my zoom space. It doesn't happen to anyone else but her in any of my zoom meetings.




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Most likely this is a combination of her audio hardware, noise reduction / echo cancellation settings, and these same elements for others on the call.

Is she able to test on another device to confirm if the issue persists?


While this seems to be an extreme result, there really should not ever be more than one person speaking at a time during a video conference on any platform, despite Zoom's echo cancellation algorithms being exceptional in 2024. If only one person can be heard at any given time (despite who that person is), Zoom is doing its job as intended.


Thank you, Bstrelko. Just to reiterate, she says this doesn't happen in any other zoom meetings and I don't experience it with anyone else in my zoom space but her. Other folks present can be heard if they are talking at the same time--their conversation/voice doesn't get muted.


So you are thinking that she needs to look at her noise reduction / echo cancellation settings. Can you give me a sense of what those need to be (or mine) to make sure she isn't cancelled out?

