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Microphone no longer detected in the middle of meetings and video freezes


I have a recurring issue when using Zoom on my desktop computer:

- it works fine for a while, but suddenly my video freezes;

- when that happens, I can still hear and see the other participants, but they see me frozen and can't hear me anymore;

- and it says that Zoom cannot detect my microphone anymore. 


I have to leave the meeting and rejoin in order to "unfreeze". It is very annoying, it can happen 4-5 times during a 1h meeting! I don't have this issue on other platforms, and I had my mic checked, apparently the problem comes from the app.

I updated the app but it is still happening. I also tried several different headsets (Bluetooth and cable), and still the problem remains. Help!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @ElsaLigaya 


Are you using a Windows PC, or an Apple computer - desktop or laptop?


When the problem occurs - is leaving and re-joining the meeting the only thing you have to do in order to get back operational - or do you also have to reconnect/switch microphones/headsets?


When you try a wired headset, is it a USB-wired headset - and do you DISCONNECT your Bluetooth headset while trying wired?






Hi Rupert,


Thanks for your quick answer.

The problem occurs on my Windows DESKTOP PC, but never on my Windows laptop PC.

The first times it worked to just unplug and replug my headphones (that would cause the video to unfreeze and the sound would re-work). But since several months that doesn't work anymore, and I have to leave the meeting (and I also unplug/replug the headphones), then join the meeting again.


I use jack plug headsets, sometimes Bluetooth, but never USB-wired headsets. And yes, I do disconnect the Bluetooth headphones when using the wired ones.

I tried switching headphones (I tried 1 Bluetooth and 3 different jack-wired headphones) but I still have the same problem.

Reminder: When the video freezes and the mic is not detected, I can still hear and see the other participants, but my video is frozen and they cannot hear me.


Many thanks for your assistance,




I've been trying to figure this out as well.  I am using the built-in mic and speakers on my Dell laptop.  It works fine for a while, and then at some point Zoom tells me "microphone not detected".  I can still hear audio and video for a while and then Zoom completely freezes and crashes.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear it...



I also have this problem.  My video continues to work with no issues, but at some point in the middle of the meeting, my microphone will stop working.  I know it is not my camera/microphone, because I've used 4 different ones and the problem keeps occurring.  


I am also having this issue when using Zoom on my Dell laptop, using the integrated microphone and video.  It is most frustrating.  Anyone have a solution yet?


I've found no real solution yet, although it hasn't happened to me in a while.  My IT department updated the Zoom plugin for Outlook, which is how I usually connect to meetings, so I'm hoping that did the trick.


This has also started happening to me on a 1 year old Dell laptop. It seems to happen when I am hosting meetings, so leaving the meeting is not convenient and when Zoom freezes, I cannot make anyone else host etc. Has anyone found a lasting solution?


This is a frustrating situation, and I haven't fully resolved it yet.  But I have made some progress.  By looking at the error logs and the task manager, I figured out that there were some background processes running that were using up CPU power.  One was a program that seemed not to have fully installed.  I stopped it and uninstalled, and the situation improved.  When Zoom freezes, see if you can access Task Manager and see what might be using up all your CPU and memory.  Might help.


Thanks for this suggestion, I will try it next time


I also have a Dell and this has been happening to me a lot lately. So maybe this issue is related to Dell computers? I try to change the mic settings (although I use my laptop's mic and don't have anything else connected so it's the only option), but then Zoom crashes. It will try to restart Zoom but it usually freezes again. I've found the only way to solve the issue in the moment is to restart my computer and rejoin the meeting. I will admit that I often have a lot open on my computer so that may play a factor. I'll try to look at my Task Manager  next time it happens.


I also have a Dell... so we may be on to something that this mainly effects Dell computers

This is a possibility. Perhaps I will go on the Dell site and see if there are posts there - if not I can start something 


I am having the same problem, also on Dell, it recently started. It may have coincided with moving to a new Plantronics headset. Anyone any further insight?

Check your computer's error log after this happens to see if you can find a report for a problem occurring at the time Zoom freezes on you.  (You can do this by going to Control Panel>System and Security>Security and Maintenance>Problem Reports.)  Another option is to check the Reliability Monitor.  You should be able to find the times that Zoom stopped responding for you, and you can then check back through reports to see if there are other problems occurring at the same time.  When I did this, I found that I was also having problems with Adobe Acrobat.  It hadn't installed correctly, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it. 


You might also get some insight by checking the Task Manager, but that's not convenient if you're in or trying to join a meeting. 


I've stopped using my Dell for Zoom and rely instead on my Chromebook.  I think the Dell has too many extra things running in the background.  At some point, I'll take the laptop to my university's help desk to see what I can do without.  I think when I bought this machine Dell loaded it with a bunch of stuff I don't really want or need, like Microsoft Edge and other Microsoft products.  Too many bells and whistles, but that's a rant for another day.

Thanks, I'll have a look at it


I went on the Dell site and was advised to update my audio driver, which I did. That said, I have not hosted a meeting for more than 1 person since then so have not fully tested the effectiveness of the update

Thanks, I am trying that