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Meetings showing up twice



Whenever I schedule a meeting and make my boss the host, the meeting shows up on his calendar twice. Once as the invite with all the guests and once as an invite with just him as the guest. If I try to delete the invite that has just him as the only guest, the invite won't work, even though the other invite is still on everyone's calendar. Zoom just started doing this. How do I solve?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @KGarland514,


Please confirm that only one meeting shows up on the Zoom Client app, and also on the web view of meetings.


Without seeing the actual calendar events, I’d guess that you are scheduling this meeting directly in Outlook, and are possibly including him as an attendee, then making him the host.  He is probably getting the first calendar entry being invited as an attendee, then another entry shows up when he’s assigned as host.


Try NOT designating him as an attendee in the first step, and see if he only gets one entry when you assign him as host.


What method are you using to assign him as host?  Hopefully you are using the Scheduling Privilege method. If that’s the case, my recommendation would be to always assign him as owner of the meeting when creating the meeting. Then, once the entry appears in his calendar, open it up and include the other attendees and resend the invitations. 

Multiple ways to make this work, but there is always some level of “direct management” needed to get the details to line up. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


This happed to me using the ZOOM extension for Chrome. If I scheduled a meeting through the extension - it would show up twice in my ZOOM Ap. Turns out you need to use the same email address for both Google Calendar and ZOOM accounts. This solved the issue - hope this helps someone.