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Meetings Tab no longer shows meetings in Desktop client 6.2


Since updating to 6.2, the meetings tab no longer shows meetings. The calendar tab has been renamed as meetings and the meetings tab has been removed. There used to be an option to have both tabs as separate but Zoom decided to remove that functionality for its users.

Recurring meetings at "no fixed time" do not appear in the agenda. There is a small popup for recurring meetings which is far less functional or you can show the calendar sidebar and dropdown a list of recurring meetings all of which requires several more clicks and is far less visually clear.

I don't know why Zoom seem committed to making the software less functional or usable for paying customers but this foolishness is a major step back.


Please fix this fault ASAP as I will be choosing an alternative platform before the next billing cycle. There are many free platforms to choose from.


New Member
New Member

I've JUST run into this, as I was (fortunately, and unusually) setting up for a meeting that was happening in half an hour. I'm so accustomed to clearly seeing (on the left) my list of Upcoming Meetings, including the Recurring Meetings, that I was completely thrown off. I ended up going into my copy of the email I'd sent out to participants, and using THAT link to get onto my own call. Later I discovered a teeny area to click on, to display recurring meetings. So is it required that we give Zoom access to our Calendars at a deeper level now, instead of just having them be open to Zoom's putting our schedule meetings in there? I've got the full-on, Business Pro/Whatever it Is Account. And I'm not experiencing the change as supportive, easy or useful. Thoughts?


Yes - our firm saw with the 6.2 update -- that now you have to click on each room/host to see meetings Instead of just seeing ALL meetings at once chronological -- Makes very difficult to quickly find a meeting esp if you're hosting meetings others have scheduled -- you shouldn't have to get an invite -- you should be able to log in and just see the meetings and not have to hunt and peck etc etc.  DUMB!@!!

(My next comment was meant to go to you, so if it didn't, it should be right below this one. Sorry about that.)

New Member
New Member

What a drag. Well, at least I know how to access my information easily, thanks to you! And now I see where the recurring meetings are (in their teeny tiny font), so from here, it'll be a couple of simple clicks. I just didn't want to give google MORE access to my calendars and world. One channel is enough. I'm sorry it effects you so much more (given that you're working with other people scheduling meetings). I really preferred the display showing everything at once. And in regular-sized fonts, with the meeting title in Bold. It feels WAY more user-friendly. (Maybe a bit of feedback is in order...). Thanks for your help!