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Local users into waiting room, external domains bypass it?


I have a presentation that will be conducted by people from outside domains.  But I want people in my domain to go into a waiting room.  The option "Users who are not in your account and not part of the allowed list" does not appear to work when I enter the outside domains.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @robertd,


I do not believe it is possible to have a Waiting Room that applies only to internal users. It is usually the other way around - normally a Waiting Room can be bypassed by internal users.


You could enable Waiting Room for Everyone and then use "Users invited during the meeting by the host or co-hosts will bypass the waiting room" - and then invite your external Participants once the meeting is started.


Hope this helps.







Hello, @Rupert 


May you can advise me on this setting?
I have enabled "Users invited during the meeting by the host or co-hosts will bypass the waiting room" on the Waiting Room in Settings.

I have scheduled the meeting with the active Waiting Room and started the meeting. Then during this meeting, I invited the user by email. This user got the email and followed the link. But this user still got into the Waiting Room.

Maybe you know why it doesn't work for my case?

Thanks in advance