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Local "Speaker out" coming into microphone input


Using a headset. Join a Zoom call. Zoom Mic = Headset Mic.   Zoom Speakers=Headset.

Have screen reader program running on my PC.

When the screen ready "talks", not only do I hear it in my headphones (good) BUT all Zoom attendees hear it as well (bad).

Cannot figure out how/why screen reader audio is feeding back in Zoom audio input.

Happens with MPOW HC6 USB headphones.  Plantronics headphones do not seem to have this problem.


Note: Works fine on another machine -- just not on this one.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @rpine 


In looking up the MPOW HC6 headset, I see it has the fairly unique feature of having USB AND 3.5mm connections.


You mentioned it as USB.  Are you connecting it over USB?


Also - do you know if your participants can hear your screen reader if you are Muted in Zoom? Or - if your headset mute button (on the cord) is muted, can they still hear?


Do you know if your participants hear your screen reader at a comparable volume to you - or lower, in the background?