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Link won't paste into email correctly


Hi there, I have zoom meeting links on my website linked to text. for example REGISTER HERE when clicked on will take you to the zoom meeting registration. All work fine. 

When I copy and paste them from the website and send them in an email (MacMail), they paste in the same format, get sent and arrive in the recipient's inbox in the same format and again all work fine. 


When my boss does the same, from Outlook, although it pastes in the the same format , the recipient receives the entire long link except that the last two characters from the link are on a different line and are not in blue or underlined. Once you click on the link, it of course takes you to a 404. I've included a screenshot of what we see. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I would really appreciate some help with this. It's driving us mad. Thank you! 


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee



this looks like a formatting error from Outlook. Could you kindly confirm if your boss has tried to copy the link and pasted it using Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + V ? 


Best regards,



Hi Dana, and thanks for your reply. She’s right clicked and chosen keep source formatting

Hi there, so this sounds like it's a formatting error. Feel free to perhaps also raise a ticket with our Technical Support Team HERE so that they can perhaps investigate further (and perhaps have another workaround) 🙂 I hope this helps!



I have a similar problem when I copy and paste the link to a Zoom meeting recording into emails to participants in my Outlook. Once the link is copied to the clipboard in Zoom I paste it into the body of an email in Outlook. For some reason, it won't paste as a hyperlink and I can't seem to fix that.

You can use APIs to programmatically add the link and send the invitation email and create an Outlook event or if you are not a developer there is a marketplace app, Salepager, that can email invites with the Zoom link for you and integrate with Outlook.


I am having the same problem.  The copied invitation won't paste at all into outlook.  This is a recent problem.


Hi I am having the same issue ,today I cannot copy a meeting from Zoom to Outlook /Word in the normal way and everything is squashed together and hard to read  rather that as in the meeting information .Why is this ? It was OK yesterday .

Me too.  Same exact problem.  I create a meeting in Zoom and when I go to 'copy invitation' it looks all jarbled and scrambled up when I paste it to an Outlook Calendar Invite


Hi, I am having the same issue.  It was working fine yesterday but today its doing the same thing in my outlook when I copy the invite its all one paragraph rather then separated out.  I have raised a ticket but any help in the meantime would be greatly appreciated as I have calls to set up for tomorrow.


Me too. It worked fine two weeks ago. 




I'm having the same problem. Working on iMac - Safari and Apple Mail - cannot paste. Yesterday it worked fine. It doesn't paste into WORD correctly either. Tried my laptop also.


YES!!!!!! I've tried iPhones, iPad, MacBook Pro, air... no go! The apple copy/paste that retained format was a fine work around for the zillions of us who use apple products instead of outlook, google etc. Now, we have nothing? Frustrating...

John Paddock and Apple device/software uses with related problems - WORKAROUND!

While Zoom may possibly be fixing this, I finally found a workaround that isn't horribly clunky to do:

1) w/curser highlight the "copy invite" content on zoom page you want to put into an email using Apple mail. However,

2) Open Notes program via any apple device and just do a paste. All the format will appear correctly in the Note. 

3) Now, just highlight the text you see in the Note app with curser and once again do a copy (command C) then go directly to your new email you're creating to sent to clients/others, and simply do command V paste. Whamo - the formatting will appear correctly (hyperlinks, paragraph breaks etc.) just as you always could do before this weekend. I tried this strategy using apple's Message app and though it will format correctly into messages, it reverts back to horrible looking w/the copy paste from message to email. The only way it worked was from NOTES.



Me too.  Same exact problem.  I create a meeting in Zoom and when I go to 'copy invitation' it looks all jarbled and scrambled up in small lines when I paste it to an Outlook Calendar Invite.  Doesn't keep the same aesthetically nice format that the original Zoom invite does.  Weird...


SAME! Just the last few days, if I view (from my Pro Account) a meeting I've scheduled via "copy" and then just use my MacBook Pro or any apple computer, then highlight what I want as a visual block, I could ALWAYS in the past just have that drop directly into an Apple Mail via COPY and PASTE to send to clients. That system has worked without fail. Now, I get a garbled mess none of my clients TOMORROW MORNING will appreciate getting or even know how to login with. PLEASE FIX THIS. 


I am back working again, hope you are all too.🤞

I am too!  Got an email from Zoom that they had to do some repair work on their end and it looks like we are back to normal.  Hope it works for everyone as it should.  Still can't bring myself to use Microsoft Teams!


Ditto same issue.  Is there a simple workaround.  It was always so simple??