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How to save / add favorites zoom ID


Is there any way that we can save a bunch of Zoom ID so it'll be like a phonebook.

My problem now is that my kid is using Zoom for his school & courses which has 15 different IDs for the classes, and in the dropdown menu when we are going to join a Zoom meeting ID it can only list up to 10 IDs.



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @Reethaaa, suggest checking out our integrations with Google, for setting up Zoom for GSuite add-on and Setting Zoom as default for Google calendar


If you're not familiar with the GCal and Zooms integration, you can access all meetings to which you've been invited as a participant or that you've scheduled (hosting)



You can see Zoom meeting details and join by clicking into the scheduled meeting in GCal.


Zoom Community Moderator

Have you heard about Zoom AI Companion? ➡️ Check it out!

What is the best way to save favorite meeting IDs in Zoom so that I do not have to type in the numbers every time I join one of my multiple weekly meetings? that is the question. If not possible in the present Zoom version I would suggest that function is added.



This is not even remotely related to what she asked.  I have the same problem and this is not the solution.

Agreed. We want to store a list of Meeting IDs, not the history that vanishes.
Enable us to enter a name for the ID, keep it in the drop-down.

These are useful for recurring meetings.