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How to record active speaker whilst viewing in gallery


Hi, I want to know how to record active speaker only when I hold masterclasses whilst being able to put gallery view on so I can see everyone that is on the meeting. I've played around with the settings and it doesn't seem to work. Do I need to start the recording on active speaker first, then press record, then I can go to gallery? Or is there a setting I need to change? Thanks!


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @MajentaMoon! Have you checked out this article here:


Let me know if it helps 😃

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Hi Bri, thanks for this, however I did go through that information before posting here. I still can't work out how to record in the active view but change my view to gallery during the meeting so I can see everyone easily. Can you help please? 


Hi, MajentaMoon,

I was having the same issue and just talked to customer support.


She suggested using "Pin Video" for myself. This is distinct from using spotlight (the difference is discussed here).  According to her this will trigger the recording to record just myself. I haven't tried this yet but wanted to respond here while it's still on my mind. 


Recording to the Zoom cloud offers more flexible options. Namely, you can adjust your settings to record speaker and gallery view separately. 1 GB of cloud storage (i.e. the Pro account) should be juuuust enough cloud storage to record both views for a 75-minute meeting; each recording is around 450,000 KB. You get an additional 1 GB of storage for each license in your account. 


Recording locally unfortunately does not have this same flexibility in the settings. Hence the need to use the "Pin Video" option. 


Best of luck!



I am just reading this and wondering if the pin video option works for the recording the active speaker only while still viewing the gallery live? Has anyone tested?


About a month ago I was able to spotlight the speaker and have a gallery view in a popup over top so I could see everyone while recording locally. I'm now not seeing that option for a popup. Has this feature been eliminated?