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How to find the recording


Hi, I really need help.

For the past 2 days, I attended a zoom meeting with my collegues to have some discussion. My friend (paid subscriber) created the zoom meeting and he was the original host for that zoom meeting. Before we start the discussion, my friend pass the host to me (during that time, I am not a paid subscriber), then I make him as a co host. After that, when we start our discussion, my friend click record to the cloud. The thing is, my friend tried to find the recording in their cloud and PC storage, but he failed to find it. Right now, I already became a paid subscriber but I still could not find the recording. Could you please help on how to find the recording?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

The easiest way to locate recordings is to look at the Settings window (accessible from within a Zoom meeting, or from the Zoom Client App by clicking your avatar in the upper right corner of the app).  Go to the Recording tab and look at the path in "Store my recording at" or click the Open button.


Note that you will not see any local recordings made by others, and you will not see any Cloud recordings here; Cloud recordings are viewed from your account's web page at

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Hi Ray

Like the gentleman above, I was not host of a meeting but got permission to record the meeting on my computer.  I've gone to settings and followed the link but the recording doesn't show up in the folder and I can't find it - how do I track it down on my computer? It's for a Spotify podcast so swift help would be brilliant. Thank

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @LibbyHammond1,


What type of device and operating system are you using?  Having that info helps me narrow down any guidance I can give you.


If you can't find the recording in the place specified in the Recording Location in Settings, then it's unlikely you'll find it somewhere else... but you might check this person's advice who I believe was on a Mac.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.