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How to Delete old Recordings


Hi can anyone please tell me how to delete old recordings?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi Justice1234,


Depending on the type of recordings you wish to delete there are different methods to achieve this. Please read this article on how to delete cloud and local recordings.

Hello masterwill, I'm piggy-backing on Justice1234's question here because I've submitted THREE requests for support over the past 10 days and have heard nothing back, nor received any verification my requests were even received.  I have a Pro account and was told by the phone bot that I don't qualify for live support, so am resorting to this as a potential fix.


I have two issues:

1.  My storage of previously recorded videos seems to be shrinking or something.  I used to have many videos sitting in my storage with no problems.  Now I have 5 and each time I record a new video, it won't convert it, stating there's not enough room and to delete recordings.  Which leads us to problem 2.

2.  When I hit delete on a particular file of the 5 allegedly stored in the system, it throws the following message, "This file is currently in use. Close the file and try again".  The file is not open.  It also says at the bottom, "Unable to play video because the file was renamed or deleted".  

So I'm not sure there are even videos left in these files.  And if there are not, it would be good to get rid of them as they may be mucking up the works in terms of storage.  I've uploaded a picture of the image it shows me.  Thoughts?