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How do we share a license


Very basic question.  We are a non-profit, and we are about to get a a paid account to have various volunteers conduct meetings over the summer when other volunteers (who have Zoom licenses from their jobs) are not available. 


So a very basic question -- can we have multiple user names sharing the license (we understand only one meeting can be active at a time).   Is there a master user name so I can create and delete these  other user names over the summer so as prevent people from scheduling a meeting without clearing it with me (and creating embarassing confusion.) 


Thank you. 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



Zoom is licensed by the user.  Sharing your account with others is a violation of Zoom's Terms of Use  and is not permitted.  Your colleagues will need their own licenses.


1.2 Prohibition on Sharing. You may not share an account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Zoom in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services and Software is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, except upon (i) an individual termination of employment or relationship with their employer, as applicable, or (ii) Zoom’s prior express written approval. 


Perhaps Zoom is not the correct platform to meet your needs?



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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


You are able to add basic users (unpaid) to your account.  Basic users have limitations on things like the length of their meeting, but can be co hosts for licenced(paid) account holders. 


Zoom user types and roles 


  • Basic: A Basic user is a user without a paid license. Basic users can be on Basic (free) plans, as well as paid plans, such as Pro or Business.
    • A basic user on a Basic plan can host meetings with up to 100 participants, but their meetings are limited to 40-minutes.
    • A basic user on a paid account inherits the account's default meeting capacity, such as a Business account's default meeting capacity of 300. They cannot utilize user and account add-ons, such as large meeting, webinar, or conference room connector.


  • Licensed: A Licensed user is a paid account user who can host unlimited meetings. By default, they can host meetings with up to 100 participants and large meeting licenses are available for additional capacity. Licensed users have these additional features available:



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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


You have it mostly correct.

i think this part: 


“Users B1 & B2 are basic users (registered under A's license?” 

is not expressed well.


Users B1and B2 would be part of the organizational account as basic users. 
They aren’t delegates of any individual licensed user of the global account.

 If a licensed (paid user) schedules a meeting and passes the host role to the basic user during the meeting, the meeting will continue past 40 minutes.


Conversely, if a basic (free) user schedules a meeting, the meeting will end after 40 minutes.


There are other similar pitfalls that follow the same rules.




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Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



Zoom is licensed by the user.  Sharing your account with others is a violation of Zoom's Terms of Use  and is not permitted.  Your colleagues will need their own licenses.


1.2 Prohibition on Sharing. You may not share an account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Zoom in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services and Software is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, except upon (i) an individual termination of employment or relationship with their employer, as applicable, or (ii) Zoom’s prior express written approval. 


Perhaps Zoom is not the correct platform to meet your needs?



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I guess my confusion comes a misunderstanding from early days of Zoom with the higher level of licenses and discussions that there seemed to be more users than licenses in an organization.   It may be total confusion in my mind from years ago.  


The rules as cited don't exactly mesh with volunteers who move in and out of positions without being "terminated."   


I'll follow up -- we certainly want don't break any rules.

Thank you


We will figure something out to work within the rules.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


You are able to add basic users (unpaid) to your account.  Basic users have limitations on things like the length of their meeting, but can be co hosts for licenced(paid) account holders. 


Zoom user types and roles 


  • Basic: A Basic user is a user without a paid license. Basic users can be on Basic (free) plans, as well as paid plans, such as Pro or Business.
    • A basic user on a Basic plan can host meetings with up to 100 participants, but their meetings are limited to 40-minutes.
    • A basic user on a paid account inherits the account's default meeting capacity, such as a Business account's default meeting capacity of 300. They cannot utilize user and account add-ons, such as large meeting, webinar, or conference room connector.


  • Licensed: A Licensed user is a paid account user who can host unlimited meetings. By default, they can host meetings with up to 100 participants and large meeting licenses are available for additional capacity. Licensed users have these additional features available:



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Sorry for the delay in responding - had an event.  If I understand you, this may be what I was thinking of and would be legal:


User A is the licensed user

Users B1 & B2 are basic users (registered under A's license?)

User A sets up a meeting on Tuesday at 11 AM and assigns B1 to host it (start the meeting, admit people, share screens, close the meeting)

User A sets up a meeting on Friday at 2 PM and assigns B2 to host it (start the meeting, admit people, share screens, close the meeting)

B1 has no control over the Friday meeting, and B2 has no control over the Tuesday meeting, and neither can initiate a meeting under the license on their own.   

Do I have the basics correct?  Is there a goog FAQ on this?

Do B1 & B2 create their ids and A associates them, or does A create the IDs?

Thanks so much for helping us out here. 






Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


You have it mostly correct.

i think this part: 


“Users B1 & B2 are basic users (registered under A's license?” 

is not expressed well.


Users B1and B2 would be part of the organizational account as basic users. 
They aren’t delegates of any individual licensed user of the global account.

 If a licensed (paid user) schedules a meeting and passes the host role to the basic user during the meeting, the meeting will continue past 40 minutes.


Conversely, if a basic (free) user schedules a meeting, the meeting will end after 40 minutes.


There are other similar pitfalls that follow the same rules.




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Thanks.   I think it will work out well for us.