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How can I change the position of the thumbnail on the shared screen?


When I record a meeting usually my thumbnail shows up right to the shared screen. I recently recorded a Zoom meeting where the thumbnail showed up on the screen. I prefer the latter. How can I replicate this? I could not find anything in the settings. 


Contributor III
Contributor III

By default, thumbnails are displayed in the upper right corner. To move the thumbnail to another location, tap the corner where you want the thumbnail to appear. Tap twice to increase the size of the thumbnail. Tap Off to delete the thumbnail.


Hope this helps.


 Hi James, Thanks so much. I meant the thumbnail as it is shown in the recording. Both times it was located in the top right corner, yet one time it appeared on the slide while the other time it appeared next to it. Any idea how I can influence that is much appreciated. Thanks 


By default, thumbnails are displayed in the upper right corner. To move the thumbnail to another location, tap the corner where you want the thumbnail to appear. Tap twice to increase the size of the thumbnail. no text


In the Zoom app. Enter Settings. Select Recording on the left hand side. There should be a box with a check mark reading "Record video during screen sharing"
Under is it should say "Place video next to shared screen in the recording" Make sure that box is unchecked. 

Hi, Thanks so much. Unfortunately I cannot find the suggested solutions. This is what i see: 

Cloud recording

Allow hosts to record and save the meeting / webinar in the cloud


Record active speaker with shared screen
Record gallery view with shared screen

Record active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately

Active speaker
Gallery view
Shared screen

Record audio-only files


Record the Interpretation

Save chat messages from the meeting / webinar

Advanced cloud recording settings

Add a timestamp to the recording
Display participants' names in the recording
Record thumbnails when sharing
Optimize the recording for 3rd party video editor
Save panelist chat to the recording
Save poll results shared during the meeting/webinar
Save closed caption as a VTT file

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


Are you using dual monitor mode? Dual monitor mode will change which layouts are available to you.


This Zoom support article explains your recording layout options: 



If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!


I have the same issue as SuperFoodSue. Even if I move the thumbnail to e.g. the bottom right corner, when I then look back at the recording, it has defaulted back to the top right hand corner, which is really boring as my presentations need the top right corner for content.


It's nothing to do with dual monitor mode and tapping corners doesn't work.


Surely there is some way to fix the thumbnail where you want it. All other screen recording apps seem to have this (but I am already paying Zoom so don't want to pay anyone else! 🙂 


Much appreciate any solutions! Thanks