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Error message when trying to add alternative host


I'm trying to assign an alternative host to my personal meeting room. When I try to do so, I get the error message "Unable to assign "***********" as an alternative host because the user cannot be selected at this time".  Any idea why? Thanks in advance.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Your alternate host must be someone on your account, and licensed.


See the details of using the Alternative Host in this Zoom Support article: 


If you feel like your Alternative Host fits the requirements, we can discuss further.

Ray - Need Zoom Events/Sessions Help? Visit
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I am having this problem as well.  I created an organization (Simply Mobilizing USA) and added a user to the organization (***  He is a licensed Pro users.  He received and confirmed the addition.  I had him confirm he was at the appropriate Windows App level.  I then tried to create a meeting and add him as Alternate Host but got the message "Unable to add *** as an alternative host because the user cannot be selected at this time."

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @rhultman.


I'm unclear about something... it sounds like you created a new organization. Both the Host and the Alternate Host have to be on the same organizational account.  You can invite the user you created to join your account; see this Zoom Support article for details:


If the person is on the same account, then it's possible that some portion of the information is cached by the web page you're on, and re-loading the web page before continuing might help.  But it seems to be an indication that you typed in a name that isn't on the same account as you.



Ray - Need Zoom Events/Sessions Help? Visit
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Hi Ray, I am having the issue described above. It sounds like if I am inviting a cohost from a different company who I guess must not be on their own licensed account, what is the next best alternative assuming I don't have permission to add this person to my org's account? Thanks so much for any insight!

I am having the same issue. I have set up an additional account under my account. This email is from the same company and it has its own zoom account.  I am getting the same error message as above. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@kaspringfield1 - is the account Licensed, or Basic?  Alt Hosts must be on the same account as the meeting owner and a Licensed user.

Ray - Need Zoom Events/Sessions Help? Visit
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I did just create the new organization, then added the user who had a paid Pro account.  The user received the email and confirmed it.  I tried to create a meeting and add him as Alternate Host and it failed. I logged off, then back on. Failed again. I find it strange that clearing cache would cause this. I switched to a completely different browser, logged into Zoom, created the meeting, added him as Alternate Host and got the same error message.  Attached is a screenshot showing the organization (Simply Mobilizing USA) and the linked account for ***********.  


Why does this have to be complicated? Why not just let us add the email we wish to have as co-leader, as long at they are registered on Zoom?  

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Are we sure this is something we can do?  I just looked in my personal room and I don't see an option to add an alternative host to my personal room?  Is that controlled by an admin on the account maybe?